Showing 521 items
matching sash
Slovenian Association Melbourne
Sash of first Miss Slovenia, Sash of the first Miss Slovenian in Australia
Sash presented to the first Miss Slovenia in Australia, Miss Danila BoleSash with a circular broche in a shape of a flowerslovenian association melbourne, miss slovenia, sash -
Brighton Historical Society
Accessory - Sash
This item is from the "Barone" Collection. "Barone" (also known as "Seaview") was a stately Brighton home built at 9 Moule Avenue prior to 1855 and demolished in 1986. The house's residents included Edward Elgin Browne (during 1859-72), a Melbourne tea merchant, and the family and descendants of retired Scottish Army captain Archibald Black (during the period 1880-1970). Its neighbors included “St Ninians” owned by the Ward- Cole family, “Seacombe” owned by the Moule family, and the home of James Grahame and his family. The items in the "Barone" collection were largely donated by two of the house's later owners, Mrs Doris Halkyard and Mrs Brian Brandt.Woven dark red sash with tassel."Barone" a modern inscription, appears to be in ball point pen.barone, brighton, seaview, sash, military -
Slovenian Association Melbourne
Angelique Van de Laak sash 1985, 1985
Every entrant of the Miss Comunity Quest has worn a sash with the name and year of the entry.Miss Angelique has been tragically killed in a car accident years later.Angelique Van de Laak sash 1985 / every entrant has worn a sash with the name and the year of participationMiss Slovenian Community Quest, 1985 Miss Angelique Van De Laak Slovenian Association Melbourneangelique van de laak, miss slovenian community 1985, sash -
Camberwell Historical Society
Ceremonial object - Sash, City of Camberwell A.C.C. Track Championship cycling sash, 1939
Champion's sash from 1939 awarded to competitive cyclist Jack Stanley Robinson. Jack Stanley Robsinson lived in Canterbury for most of his youth and was a member of the City of Camberwell Amateur Cycling Club in the late 1930s. Jack appears in the press (NLA Trove) as a member of the Malvern cycling team in a March 1934 trial competition of “boys”, and then with increasing frequency in amateur competitions throughout 1935 to 1938. In October 1938 he appears in the Camberwell team. The last entry so far found is in December 1939, still with the Camberwell team. Blue sash with gold tassels 'City of Camberwell A.C.C. Track Championship 1939 Won by J. Robinson'cycling, sport -
Brighton Historical Society
Sash, 1966
Donated by Brighton resident and journalist Janifer Price.Cream coloured Miss Young Liberal sash printed in metallic gold and with gold-coloured fringing at either end.Printed, metallic gold on white acetate: Miss / YOUNG LIBERAL / 1966miss young liberal, sash, liberal party of australia, young liberal movement, beauty pageant -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Sash, Mount Beauty Garden Sash
1947 The SEC created an Arboretum and Nursery on the bank of the West Kiewa River. Householder could collect free plants, trees and topsoil for their gardens. It was not long before there was very keen competition amongst the families to create the best garden. 1948 A Mount Beauty Garden competition started with a first prize of 15 pounds, second 7 pounds and third 3 pounds. As the oldest garden in the competition was only 25 months old and most were younger a handicap system of 4 points per month was devised. Tom Mitchell MLA was the donor and judge. 1965 This sash was possibility worn by Jean McCullough in 1965 when the Mt Beauty & District Progress Association Auxiliary ran the completion.An example of the social life at Mt Beauty during the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.Royal blue sateen sash with gold fringe. Mt. BEAUTY & DIST. PROGRESS ASSN. AUXILIARY/CHAMPION GARDEN/1965textiles, arboretum, mount beauty, garden competition, kiewa hydro electric scheme -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Miss Wodonga Show Girl Sash 1966
In 1947 Shire President Cr. Charles F. Pollard called a public meeting for the purpose of discussing the forming of an Agricultural Society to raise funds for the proposed Wodonga Hospital. Cr. Pollard was the inaugural President of the Wodonga Show Society and was joined by seven past Shire Presidents as part of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society committee. In addition to the committee, there were 150 members of the inaugural Society. The first Wodonga Show was held on Saturday 6 March 1948. The first Sun-News Pictorial Miss Show Girl competition was held in Victoria in 1957, an annual tradition that lasted into the 1990s. Most country shows held heats to find a local winner before the final was judged at the Royal Melbourne Show each year. The first Miss Wodonga Show Girl competition was held in 1958. It was open to all girls between the ages of 16 and 23, born in Australia or naturalised Australians. Judging will be on the following basis of deportment, dress sense, grooming, general appearance, personality. Wodonga Show Society presented a prize to the winner who was accompanied to the final judging on People’s Day at the Melbourne Royal Show. This sash was awarded to Miss Wodonga Show Girl in 1966. The winner of the Senior Section was Ludmilla Bartosz of Wodonga. The Junior Show Girl section was won by Sue Maddison of Bandiana. First prize in the Senior section included this sash, $20 in case and a first class return rail fare to Melbourne for the final judging at the Royal Melbourne Show.A blue sash with gold trim and lettering and a fringe trim.WODONGA SHOW 1966 MISS WODONGA SHOW GIRL SASH DONATED BY PENNANT PRODUCTS MELB.wodonga agricultural society, wodonga show, miss wodonga show girl -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Accessory - Sash, n.d
Plain green sash, red fringe either end, *'C & R', metal, sewn onto sash section with coat of arms, Ancient Order of Foresters printed / embroidered, sewn onto original sash, over the letters S.B.Ancient Order of Foresters embroidered onto sashsash, costume, accessory, ancient order of foresters -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Uniform, Officer Sash
Red Sash bWorn By OfficerRed Sash with TastleNil -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays Section, Chief Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC004.1 Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and blue appliqued ivy with gold stitched "C.R." 1st Degree circle, 2nd Degree star, 3rd Degree cross and crown gold metal symbols. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution. MGC004.2 Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "C.R." in satin stitch inside royal blue stem-stitched circle. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution MGC004.3 Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "C.R." in satin stitch inside royal blue stem-stitched circle. Satin. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitutionmethodist girls' comradship rays section -
Slovenian Association Melbourne
red satin sash, Marcela Bole - Mother of the Year 1989 sash, 1989
Every year the Slovenian Association Melbourne selected Mother of the Year. Sometimes the school children wrote essays and the author's mother of the best essay became Mother of the Year, receiving a sash and flowersRed satin sash with gold tassle1989 S.D.M. (Slovensko društvo Melbourne - Slovenian Association Melbourne) Mother of the Yearslovenian mother of the year, 1989, slovenian association melbourne, -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays Section, Deputy Chief Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC009.1 Deputy Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "D.C.R." in satin stitch inside royal blue stem-stitched circle. 1st Degree circle, 2nd Degree star, 3rd Degree cross and crown gold metal symbols. MGC009.2 Deputy Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "D.C.R." in gold satin stitch on a royal blue appliqued ivy leaf. 2nd Degree star, 3rd Degree cross and gold metal crown above. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution. MGC009.3 Deputy Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "D.C.R." in blue satin stitch in a satin stitch ivy leaf. 1st Degree circle and crown metallic insignia. Felt. MGC009.4 Deputy Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "A.D.C.R." in teal blue satin stitch. 1st Degree circle and crown insignia. Felt. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution. MGC009.5 Deputy Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "DCR" in blue satin stitch. Satin. Crown insignia. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution. MGC009.6 Deputy Chief Ray gold sash with gold fringed ends and "DCR" in blue satin stitch. Felt. The sash has a gold satin Social badge [S] in a blue felt square under the DCR letters. methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Regalia, Methodist Girls Comradeship sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical. The crown over the purple ribbon indicates a Past District Officer. Methodist Girls Comradeship blue, white and yellow sash and rosette. The sash has a 1st Degree circle, 2nd Degree star, 3rd Degree cross and a purple satin ribbon with a gold crown on it. . methodist girls comradeship -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Regalia, Ray's Birthday Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.Ray's royal blue cotton birthday sash with 1cm white border rosette of royal blue, white and gold. White letter "B" in centre. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution.methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Nagambie Historical Society Inc
Award - Stawell Gift winner's sash, Tommy Deane's sash, 1946
Awarded to Nagambie local, Tommy Deane, on winning the 1946 Stawell Gift.A local family, significant sporting event. 1933 winner and trainer, Goldie Heath was also a local.Blue and gold sash with gold lettering and gold fringing. Large metal badge, gold coloured,. Glitter along top of badge.Gold lettering on sash: Stawell Gift 1946. Won by V. T. (Tommy) Deane. Presented by 'The Sporting Globe". Ditto on badgestawell gift, tommy deane, running, sashes -
Slovenian Association Melbourne
Miss Slovenian Community 1985 sash, 1985
Miss Slovenian Community was selected every year at the Slovenian Association Melbourne. Young girls of Slovenian origin participated and collected donations, used for a known charity in Victoria.White satin sash awarded to the Miss Slovenian Community in 1985 Miss Angelique Van De Laak. She was selected among a group of other young ladies, being of one or two Slovenian parents. Angelique was tragically killed in a car accident years later. The sash is inscribed with the text: Miss Slovenian Community, 1985, Slovenian Association Melbournemiss slovenian community, angelique van de laak, 1985, white satin sash -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship, Receiving Ray sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC001.1 and MGC001.2 Royal blue cotton sashes with white two white bars worn in the centre, and a rosette in royal blue, white and gold. methodist girls' comradship rays section, methodist girls' comradeship albert street ballarat, wesley rays ballarat -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Award - Sash, Second place sash - Government of Victoria Burnley Egg Laying Competition, 1958
Second Prize for the Burnley Government of Victoria Egg Laying Competition, 1957-58. See 98.1025 for accompanying Certificate.Red material sash with gold fringes at each end and gold lettering with "Crown logo" atop the inscription 'Government of Victoria Burnley Egg Laying Competition, 1957-58 SECOND 6 Bird Team (White Leghorns) (48 Weeks) 1401 First Grade Eggs S. Hudson, Coburg'. Government of Victoria Burnley Egg Laying Competition, 1957-58 SECOND 6 Bird Team (White Leghorns) (48 Weeks) 1401 First Grade Eggs S. Hudson, Coburgegg laying, competitions, awards, agricultural competitions -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays Section, Entrance Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC005.1 and MG005.2 Entrance Ray royal blue cotton sashes with 1cm white border, two white bars worn in centre and a rosette of royal blue, white and gold. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. MGC005.3 Entrance Ray royal blue sash with 1 cm white border and two white bars. There is a yellow square with an embroidered "S" [social] above the bars.methodist girls' comradship rays section, wesley rays ballarat -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays Section, Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC006.1 and MGC006.2 Ray royal blue cotton sashes with 1cm white border rosette of royal blue, white and gold. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Regalia, Recordiing Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.Recording Ray royal blue cotton sash with three white bars worn in the centre and rosette of royal blue, white and gold. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Regalia, Deaconess Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.Deaconess Ray royal blue cotton sash with four white bars worn in the centre and rosette of royal blue, white and gold. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methdist Girls' Comardeship, District Receiver Comrade's Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.District Officer Receiver purple felt sash with gold fringe. "D.R." inside an outline of an ivy leaf in gold fabric paint and gold metal crossed keys. Metal 2nd Degree star above keys.methodist girls' comradeship -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Ceremonial object - Clothing and apparel - sash, Surrey Hills Tent No 309 Past Chief Ruler's sash
The Independent Order of Rechabites (IOR), also known as the Sons and Daughters of Rechab is a friendly society founded in England in 1835 as part of the wider British temperance movement to promote total abstinence from alcoholic beverages. This type of sash was worn by a Past District Chief Ruler. This particular sash belonged to Lieutenant Colonel William McGregor Cairncross. He lived at the property now known as 'Medlow', although during his occupancy it was known as 'Willcyrus', named after two of his sons - Sergeant William McGregor Cairncross and Trooper Cyrus Hay Cairncross, who served with the 2nd Scottish Horse during the Boer War and in British units in the First World War. Lt Col Cairncross served at the Victoria Barracks in Melbourne for 25 years and designed a water bottle used by Australian colonial troops. During the Boer War he was controller of stores at Victoria Barracks. He died 24 May 1903 at his home.Pointed collar / sash; white silk / satin front with 3 x red stripes down each side; yellow stripes along edges; red satin backing; metallic gold tassels on the outer edge; colourful woven text and design on white segments on each side; one side "Independent Order of Rechabites SALFORD UNITY" around shield emblem; sheild with - beehive, sword and flame and wheat sheaf above, inside shield lamb, all-seeing eye, sun, moon with seven stars, snake, two birds, three white arrow heads, rose, clover and thistle symbols, "PEACE & PLENTY THE REWARD OF TEMPERANCE" in banner below; other side "PAST CHIEF RULER", crossed flags of Royal Standard of Great Britain, USA and Scotland above with triangle in centre of flags, text "TRUTH, FORTITUDE, JUSTICE" "IOR" in centre of triangle, 3 x overlapping shields below main text: one with flag of USA, one with symbols of Rechabites, one with the Royal Standard of Great Britain.independent order of rechabites, surrey hills tent no 309, regalia, william cairncross, william mcgregor cairncross, sash -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays Section, Harmony Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC008.1 and MGC008.2 - Harmony Ray royal blue cotton sashes with 1cm white border and one white bar worn in the centre and rosette of royal blue, white and gold. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methdodist Girls' Comardeship Rays Section, Companion Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC007.1 and MGC007.2 Companion Ray royal blue cotton sashes with 1cm white border and three white bars worn in the centre and rosette of royal blue, white and gold. It was worn over the right shoulder and joined at the left side below the waist. methodist girls' comradship rays section -
Walhalla Museum
Sash, 1910 (estimated)
This sash is approx 110 years old and was presented to Simon Whitford Campbell on completing accreditation to enter the Ancient Order of Foresters Organisation. Donated by decendants of his family.The Ancient Order of Foresters sash is only one of a handful left in existance from the local Walhalla order and is at least 110 years old who was born and lived in WalhallaLime green taffeta sash with red tassles hand stiched on. Top half of sash has PCR embroildered on it in Gold. Brown Elk head in a gold crown with 2 arrows with blue tips and a brown horn. Underneath is the Coat of ArmsTop end of sash letters "P.C.R"/under the Coat of arms"UNITY, BENEVOLENT & CONCORD" below this is "ANCIENT ORDER of FORESTERS" all embroideredcoat of arms, ancient order of foresters, green sash -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship, District Recorder Comrade's Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.District Officer Recorder purple felt sash with gold fringe. "D.R." inside an outline of an ivy leaf in gold fabric paint and gold metal crossed quills. Metal 1st Degree circle, 2nd Degree star and 3rd Degree cross above quills.methodist girls' comradeship -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Sash thought to have been worn by Clarendon Ladies College old collegian in 1910s. The sash was donated by Berenice McDade on behalf od Gladys Forsyth (CLC 1919) and Dorothy (Johns) Lawrence (CLC 1918). The sash is accopanied by two rolls of school ribbon featuring navy centre band with fine gold edge and white border. Wide silk sash featuring narrow black border, centre band of various widths of black and silver and wide side bands of navy blue. berenice-mcdade, gladys-forsyth, dorothy-johns-lawrence, uniform, sash, ribbon, 1910s, clarendon-ladies-college -
Melbourne Legacy
Uniform, Torchbearer Sash, 2023
Legacy celebrated its Centenary in 2023 by conducting a Torch Relay from Pozieres in France, to London, and around Australia, ending in Melbourne. This sash was part of the uniform used by Legatee David Kelly on 13th October, who then donated it to the archive. Legatee Kelly is a Past President of Melbourne Legacy 2000, Past Chairman of Legacy Coordinating Council 2009/10. Legatee Kelly was the ML representative on the Board of Legacy Australia Inc in October 2019 when the initial decision was made to investigate the possibility of conducting a relay to commemorate Legacy’s centenary. Legatee Kelly together with the Hobart Legacy representative were Co-Chairman of the Centenary of Legacy Committee reporting to Legacy Australia Inc. On 12th October 2023 Legatee Kelly together with his wife Legatee Helen Kelly participated in the Torch Relay in the Melbourne Legacy leg of the relay. On Friday 13th October the Torch Relay was scheduled to conclude at the Shrine of Remembrance with the flame to be returned to the eternal flame at the Shrine. Legatee Kelly was selected to be the last Legacy torchbearer, representing Melbourne as the founding club. He lead representatives from Legacy Clubs attending The 2023 National Conference up the Forecourt where the flame passed to the wife of the Governor General, Mrs Linda Hurley. Mrs Hurley was accompanied by The Governor General to return the Centenary of Legacy Torch Relay flame to the eternal flame.An important part of Legacy's history was its centenary and this uniform was part of the commemorationWhite satin sash with The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay emblem and 'Melbourne' embroidered on it.torch, relay, centenary