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Melbourne Tram Museum
Film - Compact Diskette with video, Transport Ticketing Authority, "Myki - Melbourne's New Ticketing Solution - Operator DVD", 2009
... "Myki - Melbourne's New Ticketing Solution - Operator DVD"...Transport Ticketing Authority ...DVD, with blue cover in a clear plastic case, titled "Myki - Melbourne's New Ticketing Solution - Operator DVD", looking at the MYKI ticketing system planning and how it was to operate at the time of the initial roll out timetable of Jan. 2009. DVD contents looks at Myki itself, products available, purchasing, registering, staff information and a chapter called "getting it right". Included short term tickets.trams, tramways, myki, metcard, commissioning, tickets -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Manual, The Met, "Met Fares and Ticketing Manual", 1988
... "Met Fares and Ticketing Manual" ...Black plastic covered folder - 2 ring binder containing a copy of the 15 December 1988 "Met Fares and Ticketing Manual", with details of the Met Ticketing system. Has an index, Met Fares, Authorised Concessions, Accompanied and Miscellaneous items tickets, concession cards, free travel passes and the conditions for the carriage of passengers. Main manual is 138 A4 pages with a 3 page memo issued March 1989 regarding Off peak tickets to be introduced 1 April 1989. See pdf file htd2201i1.pdf for the index and contents.On spine of cover "MTA Ticket Manual" black and white dymo machine label.trams, tramways, metcard, tickets, manual -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Instruction Book, The Met, "Instructions to staff - The New Ticketing System", 1989
... "Instructions to staff - The New Ticketing System" ...Outlines the scratch ticket system, to be introduced on Friday 1/12/1989. Gives an introduction, samples of the tickets, validation, requirements, invalid tickets and passengers with disabilities. and duties of crews. Has the "The Met" logo on front cover. Two copies held. See item 7341 for the introduction of single journey tickets on 1/1/1990. yields information about the introduction of the Scratch ticket system.Twelve page A4 page book printed on gloss paper, titled "Instructions to staff - The New Ticketing System" with a sub title "replacement document". trams, tramways, the met, scratch tickets, tickets, instructions -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Minister of Transport, "Met Ticketing Ticketing Development 1990 - 1995", 1990 - 1995
... "Met Ticketing Ticketing Development 1990 - 1995" ...Manila folder with reports on the development of Met Ticket between 1990 and 1995. .1 - "Met Ticketing Taskforce – final Report" - May 1991 - A4 - 20 pages + card cover with letter dated 23 August 1991, providing the report along with 3 page press statement from the Transport Minister Peter Spyker. .2 - Pamphlet – The Met – Fact Sheet – “Automated Ticketing” - four page A4 printed document providing facts about the forthcoming Metcard system - c1994, .3 - Letter from John Prideaux AMWU Rep 16/3/1991 - To John Andrews Met Ticket steering committee - A4 photocopy - regarding the submission to the Met Ticketing Task Force. .4 - 60 page double side document printed on grey paper - Submission to Met Ticketing Task Force 26/10/1990 - Report on the Met Ticketing Union Working Party. Could be missing some sheets. .5 - Memo – John Andrews Trades Hall Liaison Office – to Secretaries – Public Transport Unions with a draft submission (20 pages) dated 12/2/1991. .6 - Met Ticketing Taskforce - Options for a new ticketing system for public transport in Melbourne Dec. 1990 – full detail - 45 pages. .7 - ditto - A summary - 11 pages - Dec. 1990. .8 - Met Ticketing Taskforce - Principles and Introduction to Ticketing Systems – Sept. 1990 - September 1990 - 10 pages. .9 - Letter from Trades Hall – 1/8/1990 - photocopy from John Andrews - Met Ticketing Review = Union Co-ordinating Committee - cc John Prideaux - has John's notes on rear, about the process and who was involved. .10 - Submission to Met Ticketing Task Force 26/10/1990 - Report of the Met Ticketing Union Working Party - combined public transport unions - 26/10/1990 - 60 pages - has notes on rear sheet. .11 - Report of the Met Ticketing Union Working Party - 8 pages. .12 - Working Paper No. 15 prepared for Met Ticketing Taskforce - Met ticketing costings - 24/10/1990 - 4 pages. .13 - Notes on Ticket system discussions - hand written notes, including a diagram of a ticket. .14 - Fax from Martin Gray to Union working party members - meeting times - lists members of the committee. .15 - Pamphlet – The Met – Fact Sheet – “Automated Ticketing” - single page A4 printed document providing facts about the equipment to be fitted to trams - has a drawing showing the equipment location on a tram.Folder with title in black felt pen.trams, tramways, the met, ptc, metcard, tickets, unions -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder - marketing, The Met, "Automated Ticketing", c1993
... "Automated Ticketing" ...Folder with The Met logo on the cover containing five separate A4 pamphlets fact sheets marketing or promoting the Metcard system. Written for use by staff, part of the consultation process. 1 - How long will it take? - two phases - double sided 2 - What equipment will be on my tram? - single sided 3 - Consultation and operation - single sided 4 - What's it all about & why will it be good for Melbourne? - doublesided 5 - General fact sheet - about services, fare evasion, staffing, ticket availability, information, costs and implementation - folded A3 sheet.Yields information about the introduction of Metcard for The Met staff.Card folder containing five A4 marketing pamphlets about Automated Ticketing.trams, tramways, metcard, the met, tickets, ticket machines -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, The Met, "Met ticketing explained", Dec. 1989
... "Met ticketing explained" ...Pamphlet - DL 3 fold full colour printed on gloss paper titled "Met ticketing explained", at the time of the introduction of scratch tickets. Advises on 60 plus tickets, where they could be purchased, the ticket itself, how to be used, removal of conductors on trams and tram safety for passengers. Has logos of The Met, 7 eleven, The Met, and Amcal on the rear. Has a 1 Dec. 1989 introduction date.trams, tramways, scratch tickets, the met, tickets, 60 plus, conductors -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, Transport Ticketing Authority, Metcard tickets bulk, Apr. 2012
... Transport Ticketing Authority ...Cardboard box contain unused Metcard tickets - ticket nos 218282001 to 218283000 - 1000 unused tickets folded by 2. Used to reload a Metcard machine. In the side of the box has a label "10-4-12" - most likely the printing date.trams, tramways, metcard, ticket machines, tvm, tickets -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, Myki, "all you need to know about Victoria's new ticketing system", c2010
... "all you need to know about Victoria's new ticketing system" ...Booklet - A5 size, 40 pages plus card covers, titled "all you need to know about Victoria's new ticketing system", providing details of the Myki ticketing system, for employees, operators of the system. Provides information and diagrams and images of equipment, management systems, accounting and process flows, including equipment (tramcars) that was not installed and short trip tickets. Three copies held. No publication details provided in the booklet.trams, tramways, myki, tickets, melbourne, trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Manual, Metlink, "Metlink Metropolitan Fares and Ticketing Manual", May. 2004
... "Metlink Metropolitan Fares and Ticketing Manual" ...Document - 66 single sided sheets, of 66 sheets, A4, printed or copied titled "Metlink Metropolitan Fares and Ticketing Manual", dated May 2004, about the tickets available, fare concessions, passes and travel authorities, cartage of animals and various items, ticket prices, charges, refunds, replacement and general information for Metcards. Advises what is not include. Has a table of contents on page 1 and then for each section. Has been punched with three holes on the left hand side and on the right hand side for page 4 onwards.Has "S&B" in ink on top right hand corner.trams, tramways, metcard, metlink, tickets, metlink -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Getting to know Automated Ticketing", c1998
... "Getting to know Automated Ticketing" ...Pamphlet titled "Getting to know Automated Ticketing", detailing how the machines, tickets work, complete with buying a Metcard from retail outlets, types of tickets and validation. Written for staff use and illustrates the various types of equipment. Appears to have been issued prior to the use on trams. See item 7211 for a similar document that seems to be aimed at buses and other outlets.Yields information about the introduction of Metcards.Pamphlet - 12 page, centre stapled printed on gloss paper. trams, tramways, metcard, tickets, ticket machines, ptc -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Getting to know Automated Ticketing", c1998
... "Getting to know Automated Ticketing" ...Pamphlet - titled "Getting to know Automated Ticketing", detailing how the machines, tickets work, complete with buying a Metcard from retail outlets, types of tickets and validation. Written for staff use and illustrates the various types of equipment. Particularly for use on buses and other locations rather than trams. See item 5676 for a version that is in colour and seems to be more tram related.Yields information about the introduction of Metcards.Pamphlet - 16 A4 pages, centre stapled, printed in black and white.metcard, trickets, ticket machines, ptc -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newsletter, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Automated Ticketing", 1993 to 1994
... "Automated Ticketing" ...Set of three documents or newsletters involved with the introduction of the Metcard or Automated Ticketing into Melbourne during the mid 1990's. .1 - "AT update" - with the Metcard logo - Issue 1 - A4 light card - testing by OneLink on the trams using Z1 No. 10, manufacturing in Australia of the tickets by Moore Business systems, Customer Assistance centres, retail agents and training of staff. .2 - "News for tram staff" - two issues signed by Russell Nathan, providing information about the implementation on the system onto trams, training, suppliers, CSEs, installation timing and training. .3 - Folder titled "Automated Ticketing" contain four information sheets about the implementation of the system: a - Consultation and Operation b - What's it all about and why will it be good for Melbourne? c - How long will it take - two phases detailed. d - General - will services be slower, fare evasion, purchasing of tickets, disability, staffing, retail agents, information, costs, when, machines and systems.trams, tramways, metcard, tickets, ticket machines -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Manual, The Met, "Met Fares and Ticketing Manual", 30/05/1996 12:00:00 AM
... "Met Fares and Ticketing Manual" ...Black plastic covered folder with yellow and green lines, with The Met logo and title "Met Fares and Ticketing Manual", four ring binder containing updates dating from June 1996 to May 1998 and details of the Met Ticketing system. Has content tabs for General Information, Met Fares, Authorised Concessions, Accompanied and Miscellaneous items tickets, concession cards, free travel passes and the conditions for the carriage of passengers. Main manual is 117 pages with maps and contacts with the various bus lines. Has approx. 90 pages of updates in the front of the main manual. The folder has the card for Ian Yarde, Manager Metropolitan Train Service Development on the front of the folder and the updates have been address to him as well. There is an index just before Tab 1. See pdf file htd1080i1.pdftrams, tramways, metcard, tickets, manual -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Memorandum, Met Tram, "Automated Ticketing System Update", 10/07/1996 12:00:00 AM
... "Automated Ticketing System Update" ...Memorandum - 6 A4 pages, photocopied sheets, stapled in top left hand corner - Met Tram - Message to Camberwell staff from the Managing Director Met Tram - titled "Automated Ticketing System Update", signed by Russell Nathan and dated 10/7/1996. Advises that Metcard vending machines are being installed in tramcars from 16/7/1996 and that it will be introduced on Route 75 in the next couple of months. Refers questions to the Depot Manager, Geoff Lockwood and the Senior Depot Trainer - Greg Rodgers. Gives an overview of the system, tickets, validators, questions and answers about Metcards, including Metcard Xpress (something that did not actually happen), ticket types, assistance and concessions. Has the Metcard logo in the top right hand corner.trams, tramways, metcard, met tram, tickets, validators, ticket machines -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, The Met, "The Met is changing - automated ticketing", Dec. 1996
... "The Met is changing - automated ticketing" ...Set of pamphlets associated with the Metcard rollout and one Metcard ticket issued on 16/12/1996 on route 75. The envelope from the donor notes first Metcard (auto ticketing) and Associated brochures. .1 - Five folded to DL size - full colour pamphlet - "The Met is changing - automated ticketing is coming to your neighbourhood! - explains how the system works, purchasing of tickets and their use.] (Second copy added 3/12/2016) .2 - four fold to DL size - full colour pamphlet - "Metcards are on sale today at selected retail outlets" - providing on information on the purchase of Metcards and a map with associated addresses of outlets along route 75. .3 - single DL size sheet - black and white - explaining full field trials on route 75 and the use of Metcards. .4 - small pocket size 6 fold full colour sheet explaining how the Metcards could be purchased on the trams and validated. .5 - Metcard No. 00383158 - with the Metcard logo, The Met logo, validated at 1242pm on 16/12/1996. .6 - five fold DL - as for .2, for tram routes 3,64, 67, 78 and 79. .7 - five fold DL - similar to .1, more general document. .8 - 3 fold DL - "Everything you need to know about automated ticketing in three words" - What, When and How - explains Metcard. Could be a very early pamphlet.trams, tramways, tickets, metcard, ptc, the met, neighbourhood tickets, route 75, route 3, route 64, route 67, route 68, route 79 -
Puffing Billy Railway
Guards Van Ticket Office Sign
Guards Van Sign - Ticket Office In the Preservation Society days of Puffing Billy, not all stations were manned for the sale of tickets, and tickets were sold from the Guards Van. To advise the public where they could obtain tickets this sign was placed above one of the windows on the guards van. Tickets could be issued from here for passengers to travel on the line.Historic - Puffing Billy Railways Guards Van Sign - Ticket Office sign Guards Van Sign - Ticket Office White enamel sign with black letteringTicket Office puffing billy, station sign, ticket box -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Transport Ticketing Authority, "it's smart - it's the future", Jul, 2005
... Transport Ticketing Authority ...Set of 8 documents in a white card folder July 2004 about the introduction of Victorian "Smartcard" ticketing system, published by the Victorian Transport Ticketing Authority. Used for a press handout. .1 - Printed card sheet folder to provide a folder with the title "it's smart - it's the future", published by the Authority. .2 - Press or Media Release - Premier of Victoria - 12 July 2005, issued by Steve Bracks, about the new ticketing system, and the companies involved and the basis of the proposed system. (two pages) .3 - News Release from Kamco - Keane Australia micropayment consortium - about the company and their proposals for the new system. ( 3 pages) .4 - Printed company information sheet about the companies involved - Keane Australia, Ascom AG, ERG Group and Giesecke & Devrient (G&D) (2 pages) .5 - Fact Sheet 01 - about the system, issued by the Authority about the proposals, tender period and the planned date for introduction. (1 page) .6 - Fact Sheet 03 - about the selection of KAMCO (1 page) .7 - Q&A sheet for use by operator staff in answering customer enquiries - about the system, KAMCO, costs, notes the end of Metcards and trials. (2 pages) .8 - Q&A sheet - what it means for you and your business? - about timing, fares and zones, staff training, Metcard, use and further information. (2 pages) Note: From Wikipedia accessed 1/1/2016 "The Transport Ticketing Authority (TTA) was a statutory authority within the Department of Transport in the State Government of Victoria, Australia. It was established in June 2003 to manage Victoria's interest in the OneLink Metcard public transport ticketing system contract, and to procure and manage the new ticketing system for Victoria, eventually known as myki. On 10 February 2010, the Minister for Public Transport replaced Gary Thwaites, chief executive of the Transport Ticketing Authority (TTA), with Bernie Carolan, the then head of Metlink.[1][2] On 1 January 2013, as the third stage of the implementation of the Public Transport Development Authority Act 2011, Public Transport Victoria assumed the responsibilities of the TTA,[3] which was formally abolished on 1 July 2013."trams, tramways, minister for transport, transport ticketing authority, myki, tickets, metcard -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, Melbourne Electric Supply Co. MESCo, Geelong Tramways tickets - 2 pence and "Scholar" and Four stage tickets, c19??
ticketDemonstrates a range of daily tickets used by Geelong Tramways.Assorted Geelong Tramway tickets. The tickets, printed on colored paper, have a value of 2 pence. One of the tickets has the word Scholar printed on the face. Tickets cover either sections 1 - 4, or 1, 1A - 5. One ticket names the three terminus, East, West and Newtown, and Wharf or Rail as the fourth destination.One ticket has the word "SCHOLAR" stamped diagonally across the face. All tickets are individually, tramways, esco -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Film - Compact Diskette with video, Transport Ticketing Authority, "Myki - Its Your Key", Oct. 2006
... Transport Ticketing Authority ...DVD, with plastic cover and white paper insert, DVD printed white cover, titled "Myki - Its Your Key", with information about the planned rollout of the ticketing system in 2007. Made Oct. 2006. Describes in simple terms how it would from the passenger's viewpoint.trams, tramways, myki, metcard, commissioning, tickets -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "A new automated ticketing system goes for a test drive", 23/11/1994 12:00:00 AM
... "A new automated ticketing system goes for a test drive" ...Newspaper clipping, from The Age, 23/11/1994, titled "A new automated ticketing system goes for a test drive", written by Bruce Tobin, Transport Reporter, about the start of testing of Metcard system on trams. has a photo of a number of Metcards held up in front of a tram, Z class, without a destination roll. Quotes Alan Brown, Transport Minister. Photo by Sebastian Costanzo. Testing out of Camberwell Depot.Date and news paper written in ink along the top edge.trams, tramways, metcard, tickets, trials, camberwell depot -
Puffing Billy Railway
Station Sign - Entrance Tickets
Station Sign - Entrance Tickets A sign from the early days of the Puffing Billy Preservation Society era, to advise where the entrance was to obtain tickets for travel on Puffing Billy. Historic - Puffing Billy Railway Station Sign from the early days of the Puffing Billy Preservation Society era. Used to advise where the entrance was to obtain tickets for travel on Puffing Billy. Station Sign - Entrance Tickets wooden brown with yellow lettering painted signEntrance Ticketspuffing billy, station sign -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, State Electricity Commission of Victoria - Electricity Supply Department, Tramways tickets - State Electricity Commission of Victoria - Electricity Supply Department -Provincial Tramways, c19??
ticketDemonstrates a range of tickets stamped ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY used by the Provincial Tramways of Victoria.Assorted State Electricity Commission Victoria tramway tickets 1930 - 1972. The tickets, known as "flimsies", have a value of 1, 1 1/2, 2 and 3 pence. The tickets are, with the exception of one, full length and have not been ripped from the stub. Some have an Alphabet identification followed by a date stamp. Others have either a 1 or 2 digit number. The ticket value is of a size that covers most of the destination section of the ticket, with the information being printed in black on a variety of different colored papers. The full length, un-nipped tickets with Row 1, ticket 3 "Secns re blank spaces" written in pencil on front of ticket. Row 1 ticket 4 has the date July 1944 printed in pencil on the, tramways, state electricity commission of victoria, esco -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Policy Statement - In Relation to Changed Ticketing and Operational Methods for Melbourne Trams", Feb. 1990
... "Policy Statement - In Relation to Changed Ticketing and ...Photocopy of a 10 page document titled "Policy Statement - Australian Tramway & Motor Omnibus Employees' Association - Victorian Branch - In Relation to Changed Ticketing and Operational Methods for Melbourne Trams". Records the union's opposition to the agreement attached to the document on the first page. Pages 2 to 10 provide the agreement between the PTC and the ATMOEA. On page 8 of the agreement has the space for the signatures of the Transport Minister, Labour Minister, PTC Chief Executive, Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall, and for the ATMOEA. On the last page, provides the award rates. Dated 2/2/1990, follows the tram blockade.trams, tramways, employees, ptc, wages, personnel, tram blockade, strike, unions -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Tickets, April 1999
Two tickets donated by Bruce ProcterTwo tickets Nos 51 & 60, for the 75th Anniversary of Warley Hospital and the Continental Dinner Dance held 6th March 1999.As on the tickets.warley hospital cowes phillip island, 75th anniversary warley hospital, tickets for 75th anniversary warley hospital, bruce procter, the continental hotel -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Ration card, Victorian Motor Spirit Ration Ticket, circa 1941
Petrol rations tickets were first issued in October 1940 during World War II. Petrol rationing ceased in 1949. The ration tickets were produced by the Note Printing Branch of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.Two Victorian motor spirit ration tickets, tickets were originally printed on a sheet divided by perforations. Each ticket reads "VICTORIA" / "SERIES B" / "VALID IN ALL STATES" /"TWO 2 TWO GALLONS". Fine print on each tickets reads "THIS TICKET MUST BE ENDORSED IN INK / BY CONSUMER WITH NAME, LICENCE NUMBER / AND VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBER". In handwriting on the back of the tickets, the signature "R.G. Preston" and "91/21856" (car registration number?).Text: " VICTORIA / MOTOR SPIRIT RATION / TICKET. "world war 1939-1945, petrol rationing, r.g. preston -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), Tramways weekly tickets - 1/6d to 3/- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA - Provincial Tramways, c19??
ticketDemonstrates a variety of weekly tickets used by the Provincial Tramways.Tramways weekly tickets - 1/6d to 3/- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA - Provincial Tramways. On the face, the ticket has space to nip the month, the week number in the month, the transfers and the day. Some of the tickets are individually numbered, others marked with a date stamp. The tickets are printed on various colored lemon, beige or orange colored card, with printing in either black or red ink. On the reverse of the ticket is the wording STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA - Provincial Tramways, along with the details and conditions of use.Row 1, tickets 2 and 3 have the words Sample only hand written in ink. Ticket 4 has "12 trips 3d section - September 15th 1949" written on the stub edge and Ceased 1.7.51 written on the ticket. Ticket No. 5 has the date 18-3-49 on the stub end. Row 2, Ticket 1 has the words "This section 15.9.49 - 30.6.50. Row 2, tickets 2 and 4, have Sample only written in ink. Row 2, ticket 3 has the wording "12 trips 5d section - Sept 15th 1949 along the stub edge, and "Ceased 1/7/51 on the ticket. There is a hand-written sign with these tickets that reads "BALLARAT?"tickets, tramways, esco -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Tramways tickets - State Electricity Commission of Victoria - ELECTRICITY SUPPLY DEPARTMENT - Provincial Tramways, c19??
ticketDemonstrates a range of tickets used by Provincial Tramways of Victoria.Assorted State Electricity Commission Victoria tramway tickets 1930 - 1972. The tickets, known as "flimsies", have a value of 2,3,4 and 7 pence. One ticket has been nipped, the remainder are unmarked. In Row 1, where the tickets have the additional wording "ELECTRICITY SUPPLY DEPARTMENT", either an alphabetic or numerical identifier is used, and either a date stamp or printed number. Row 2, tickets 1-3, have an alphabetical prefix with a six digit identification number. The Row 3, 7 pence ticket has no identification although there is a label with the ticket which says "BALLARAT ?" The ticket in Row 1 (No 3) appears to have the date 19/4/41 written in pencil on the front face. Row 3 ticket 1 has the date 25/11/55 with the word "Rivision" on the lower edge of the ticket, tramways, state electricity commission of victoria, esco -
Bendigo Military Museum
Accessory - COUPONS, PETROL RATION, Commonwealth of Australia, C.1949
All tickets at bottom relate to the owner in ink signing their name, licence No & registration No..1).2).3) Petrol ration tickets red and off white colours five gallons, valid only until 31st July 1949, Victorian not transferable. .3).4) Petrol ration tickets purple and off white colours five gallons, Series B Victorian not transferable.All tickets have, “Motor Spirit ration ticket” on.accessory, petrol ration, motor spirit -
Vision Australia
Document - Object, Variety on parade! ticket, 1952
Funds were raised for RVIB in the during the 1940's and 1950s by putting on concerts called 'Variety on Parade'. The ticket reads 'As a Thanksgiving for sight! Proceeds in aid of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Babies, Children & Adults, St Kilda Road, Prahran, Melbourne'. It was held at the Public Hall, Buckrabanyule on Tuesday 2nd Sept. 1952 at 8pm. Admission was 3/6 and it was advised that 'New! Non-stop Variety Entertainment of Music, Mirth and Sensational Acts' would be experienced. 1 rectangular shaped concert ticket with black ink text Ticket no. 56 Ticket no. 57royal victorian institute for the blind, fundraising -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, Transport Ticketing Authority, "Myki Operator Pocket Information Guide", 2009
... Transport Ticketing Authority ...Book - 24 pages - centre stapled, plasticized cover and pages, full colour with rounded corners on the right hand side for use in pocket, titled "Myki Operator Pocket Information Guide" issued at the time when Myki was first introduced to Melbourne late 2009 as it discusses the use of Short Term tickets. Notes the various types of cards, the various types, purchasing and topping up, equipment, questions and where to learn more. Has the various Myki and Victorian Government logos. Appears to have been produced for the public rather than just staff.trams, tramways, tickets, myki, metcard, short trip tickets