Showing 190 items
matching urbanisation
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1957
... Urbanisation ...This image depicts the increasing urbanisation of Moorabbin. While there are several cars in line waiting for the train to go through the crossing and the gates to open, in the distance there is a lot of activity on the road, with many cars.Black and white photograph depicting the railway crossing at South Road, Moorabbin. There is a 'Red Rattler' passenger train going through the level crossing travelling towards the city.Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: 57-4078 Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 82% Handwritten in black ink on reverse: Ch. 6moorabbin, trains, cars, urbanisation, suburbs -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Panoramic view of Kew East, 1925
East Kew was the last section of Kew to be developed following subdivision of the large estates and former farmland in the first half of the twentieth century. Original, black and white positive panorama of East Kew in 1925. By the mid 1920s, the area was already highly urbanised with core utilities such as electricity installed. Inscribed verso: "East Kew 1925" kew east, urbanisation -- 1920s -
Greensborough Historical Society
Slide - Photograph, John Ramsdale, Plenty Road and urban creep: Slide 28, 1990s
... urbanisation ...Photograph shows Plenty Road Mill Park with Shell petrol station and Macdonalds, showing the urban expansion in this area.Part of the John Ramsdale collection of slides and audio visual material.Colour photograph scanned from slide.No maker's marks. No caption on slide.plenty road mill park, urbanisation -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Looking towards Kew from Strathalbyn Street and High Street, c.1916
An electrified tram route from Melbourne along High Street replaced an original Horse Tram that terminated at the Kew Cemetery. This new tram only reached the bridge over the Outer Circle railway at the Harp Junction. The line was later extended to North Balwyn.Black and white print positive showing the view west along High Street, Kew (formerly Bulleen Road). In the centre distance is the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery. In the foreground, the road crosses the Outer Circle railway. The photograph reflects the level of urbanisation in Kew during the First World War. "Looking towards Kew from Strathalbyn St / High St corner, about 1916. Courtesy Mrs E Bennett, Kew East / Property of Miss Foley"trams -- kew, trams -- kew east, mmtb, m&mtb, tramways, harp junction -
Greensborough Historical Society
Slide - Photograph, John Ramsdale, Encroaching suburbia: Slide 10, 1990s
... urbanisation ...Photograph shows encroaching residential looking from undeveloped to developed side of Plenty River.Part of the John Ramsdale collection of slides and audio visual material.Colour photograph scanned from slide.No maker's marks. No caption on slide.plenty river, residential development, urbanisation -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 27 February 1964
... Urbanisation ...Cheltenham is a suburb in the City of Kingston that was originally established as a rural market gardening community. The area is bordered by Highett. The previous market gardens, farms and paddocks have gradually been sub-divided into housing and industrial estates. The Methodist Children's Home Methodist Homes for Children and St John of God Training Centre on the site of the future Southland shopping centre has not yet been demolished. The recently built Cheltenham High School is visible and the increased urbansation of the area is evident. Some farmland remains including the Le Page homestead.The developing urban area of Cheltenham within the City of Kingston. This image illustrates the mid-century urban sprawl of of Cheltenham and the subdivision of market gardens within the municipality and the changing demographic of the district as new houses are constructed and infrastructure established.Aerial photograph of the suburbs of Cheltenham and Highett within the City of Kingston. Highett Gas Works (top left); Bernard Street, Cheltenham (top right); Weatherall Road (bottom left): Elliott and Cobham Streets Cheltenham (bottom right).White handwritten: X Vic.1831 White type: MELBOURNE 1963 PROJECT RUN23 [underlined] 27-2-64 LENS 205 152-70 M/M 5.150 [arrow] White handwritten: X 166 cheltenham, highett, urbanisation -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 20 December 1945
... Urbanisation ...This photograph depicts a section of Cheltenham with a mix of housing and market gardens. The visible market gardens, farms and paddocks have gradually been sub-divided into housing, commercial and industrial estates. A large part of Cheltenham was originally established as a rural market gardening community. The railway line and station brought urban development to the area and the gradual subdivision of farmland and large land holdings for the development of housing. Aerial photograph dated 1945 of the Cheltenham area in the City of Kingston. Sydney Street (bottom left); Sinclair Street (top left); Weymar Street area off Wilson Street, Charles Street (botton right).White print VIC-170; 57197; RUN5; PROJ.No.5; MELB.METROP AREA Lens information [indecipherable] Small photograph: clockface Black ink: 57197cheltenham, market gardens, urbanisation -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document - Speech, Gerry Robinson, Heathmont History Group, The Histories of Heathmont by Gerry Robinson, August 2023
... urbanisation ...A talk on the "Histories of Heathmont" given by Gerry Robinson of the Heathmont History Group at the 2023 AGM of the Whitehorse Historical Society, Mitcham.A talk on the "Histories of Heathmont" given by Gerry Robinson of the Heathmont History Group at the 2023 AGM of the Whitehorse Historical Society, Mitcham.non-fictionA talk on the "Histories of Heathmont" given by Gerry Robinson of the Heathmont History Group at the 2023 AGM of the Whitehorse Historical Society, Mitcham.heathmont, gerry robinson, urbanisation -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1957
This image shows the urbanisation of a formerly rural area of Moorabbin.Black and white photograph looking west along South Road. There is a truck in the foreground, travelling along the sealed South Road. A car is waiting to exit from Rowan Road. People are walking along the left hand side of the road, and a young person a bike is riding along the right side. They are all going in the same direction as the traffic. The left hand side of the image shows paddocks in the foreground, which houses further back. The right hand side of the image shows suburban houses with electricity poles running the length of the road. Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: 57-523A Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 85% Handwritten in black ink or grey lead: Ch. 6moorabbin, cars, roads, housing -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 1957
This image shows the increasing urbanisation of the formerly rural area of Moorabbin.Black and white photograph of the intersection of South Road and Chesterville Road, Moorabbin. A service station is visible on the left hand side, a truck is travelling along the road and shops are under construction on the right hand side.Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: 57-523B Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 100%moorabbin, shopping strip, paddocks, roads, cars -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 1950
This photograph depicts the increasing urbanisation of a once rural area at Moorabbin.This image is one of many in the collections that focuses on either roads or the railway. The development of roads and the railway was crucial to the ongoing development of the area. Black and white photograph of South Road, Moorabbin, with Station Street to the right and Jasper Road further down to the left. Along both sides of the road are retail spaces which become homes on the left hand side, after Jasper Road.Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 80% Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: 216moorabbin, roads, cars, shopping strip, housing -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 20 December 1945
... Urbanisation ...This aerial photograph depicts the changing landscape of Cheltenham and Highett since WWII. Photographed in 1945, there is a mix of urban dwellings and industrial development and precedes the major transformation of Cheltenham with the development of the Southland shopping centre in the 1960s and expansion in the 1990s.A large part of Cheltenham was originally established as a rural market gardening community. The railway line and station brought urban development to the area and in the north, the Highett area was dominated by the Highett Gas Works. Cheltenham became a major destination for shopping in the 1960s with the opening of Southland.Aerial photograph taken in 1945 of Cheltenham and Highett within the City of Kingston. The image includes the Highett Reserve, (top right), the Methodist Children Homes (now Southland), Nepean Highway and Jamieson Street. Highett Gas Works is visible in the top left and the land now named William Fry Reserve at the intersection of Bay Road and Nepean Highway. A visible large parcel of land on the corner of Bay Road and Nepean Highway was developed in the 1990s as the west side addition to Southland. The densely vegetated area in the upper right sector of the image is now dense with housing. Tulip Grove, Heather Grove and Gilford Street are visible bottom left. This image is possibly from the collection of aerial photographs commissioned by the Department of Crown Lands and Survey and taken by Adastra Airways.Black ink: 57252 White lettering: VIC-10 57252 20.12.45 [lens information indecipherable] PROJ. No.5 MELB. METROP AREA Black pencil: 80highett, cheltenham, highett gas works, urbanisation -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 20 December 1945
... Urbanisation ...This aerial photograph depicts the changing landscape of Cheltenham and Highett since WWII. Photographed in 1945, there is a mix of urban dwellings and industrial development and precedes the major transformation of Cheltenham with the development of the Southland shopping centre in the 1960s and expansion in the 1990s.A large part of Cheltenham was originally established as a rural market gardening community. The railway line and station brought urban development to the area and in the north, the Highett area was dominated by the Highett Gas Works. Cheltenham became a major destination for shopping in the 1960s with the opening of Southland.Aerial photograph taken in 1945 of Cheltenham and Highett within the City of Kingston. The image includes the Highett Reserve, (top right), the Methodist Children Homes (now Southland), Nepean Highway and Jamieson Street. Highett Gas Works is visible in the top left and the land now named William Fry Reserve at the intersection of Bay Road and Nepean Highway. A visible large parcel of land on the corner of Bay Road and Nepean Highway was developed in the 1990s as the west side addition to Southland. The densely vegetated area in the upper right sector of the image is now dense with housing. Tulip Grove, Heather Grove and Gilford Street are visible bottom left. This image is possibly from the collection of aerial photographs commissioned by the Department of Crown Lands and Survey and taken by Adastra Airways.Black type: Reverse lettering VIC-10 57252 20.12.45 [lens information indecipherable] PROJ. No.5 MELB. METROP AREA White lettering: Reverse writing 57252cheltenham, highett, highett gas works, urbanisation -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1963
This image depicts the intersection of increasing urbanisation and the rural landscape that once made up the area now known as City of Kingston.Black and white photograph of the intersection of Warrigal Road and Centre Road, South Oakleigh, viewed from the reservoir. In the foreground are paddocks and in the background is a shopping strip, including a petrol station.Handwritten in blue ink on reverse: 2196 Handwritten in red ink on reverse: 100%oakleigh, roads, shopping strip, paddocks -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 5 January 1984
... Urbanisation ...Cheltenham and Heatherton are suburbs in the City of Kingston that were originally established as a rural market gardening community. The market gardens, farms and paddocks have gradually been sub-divided into housing and industrial estates and associated infrastructure such as schools and shopping facilities. This aerial image covers a diverse section of the City of Kingston, taking in the suburbs of Cheltenham, Heatherton, Mentone and Parkdale. By 1984, the market gardens of the district have been replaced by housing and factories. The Nylex factory is visible and now closed. Mentone Bowl on the corner of Warrigal Road and Nepean Highway has now been replaced by high rise apartments, another feature of the changing landscape in the City of Kingston. The vacant land now occupied by the Moorabbin Airport Direct factory Outlet (DFO) is also depicted.Aerial photograph of Cheltenham, Heatherton, Mentone and Parkdale within the City of Kingston. The area depicted in the 1984 aerial view includes Centre Dandenong Road and Cheltenham East Primary School (top left), Kingston Heath Reserve (top right), intersection of Lower Dandenong Road, Warrigal Road, Balcombe Road and Nepean Highway (bottom left), Balmoral Drive/McSwain Street Parkdale (bottom right).White text: 3831-179 Lens information [indecipherable] RINGWOOD M/S 7922-3 RUN 16 [Clockface image] 5,300' ASL VIC DLS© 5-1-84cheltenham, heatherton, mentone, parkdale, market gardens, urbanisation -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, 5 January 1984
... Urbanisation ...Moorabbin, Cheltenham and Highett are suburbs in the City of Kingston with a diverse mix of development and zoning. The market gardens, farms and paddocks have gradually been sub-divided into housing and industrial estates and associated infrastructure such as schools and shopping facilities. The area includes many parks, reserves and golf courses.This aerial image covers a diverse section of the City of Kingston, taking in the suburbs of Cheltenham, Moorabbin, Beaumaris and Highett. By 1984, the market gardens of the district have been replaced by housing and factories. The Gas and Fuel state-of-the-art Scientific Services Department is visible on Nepean Highway Highett. The CSIRO Highett site can also be seen. Both sites have now been demolished and have undergone remediation. The Southland site is visible and yet to be redeveloped by Westfield. This image portrays the diversity of development in the City of Kingston with a mixture of green spaces, housing and commercial and industrial features.Aerial photograph of Cheltenham, Beaumaris, Moorabbin and Highett within the City of Kingston. The area depicted in the 1984 aerial view includes Eden Street and Edward Street, Cheltenham (top left), Weatherall Road and Reserve Road, Cheltenham/Beaumaris (top right), Turner Road and Chesterville Road, Moorabbin (bottom left), Nepean Highway (left section), Graham Road and Middleton Street, Highett (bottom right). A large section of this image includes Cheltenham Park and Victoria Golf Club.White text: 3831-219 Lens information [indecipherable] RINGWOOD M/S 7922-3 RUN 15 Clockface image 5,300' ASL VIC DLS© 5-1-84cheltenham, highett, industrialisation, urbanisation, moorabbin, beaumaris -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Edwin Anderson, 1st Kew Scouts, Water Rescue Training, 1924
The 1st Kew Scouts was one of the first Scout Troops in Victoria, being formed in 1909. From 1927 they met in a magnificent Scout Hall in Disraeli Street, Kew until it was demolished in 1993. Still operating (in 2020) from their new Scout Hall on the corner of Kilby Road and Kellett Grove, Kew.1st Kew Scouts undertaking water rescue training at Bulleen. The photograph was most likely taken while the Scouts were camping beside the river one summer, with the programs generally including not only fun and games but also varying training activities. At the time many locals swam in the river. 1924 was well before the construction of major water storage dams and urbanisation of the upper reaches of the Yarra River, which significantly reduced downstream flows and water quality. These days, the Scouts tend to raft and canoe in the Yarra, rather than swim. On front: 1924. On reverse: photographer's stampscouts - kew, 1st kew scouts, yarra river, bulleen, water rescue training 1924 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Folder, Hume Street Improvement Committee, 1958_
The Hume Street Improvement Committee was one of several 'progress associations' in the Greensborough area at the time the area was being urbanised. A typed page explains the concerns of residents when the street was being paved. Includes photographs and maps of area.These documents are concerned with the urbanisation of Greensborough in the mid 20th century while residents tried to maintain the rural feel of the area.Foolscap manilla folder containing various lists, maps and photographs.On cover "Hume Street Improvement Committee/ spare circulars/maps"greensborough, road making, brian roberts, hume street improvement committee, briar hill -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, View looking northeast to turnabout near 10 McCarthy Grove, Montmorency, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, McCarthy Grove, Montmorency, extended driveway from Main Road, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, View looking southwest to turnabout near 9 McCarthy Grove, Montmorency, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, McCarthy Grove, Montmorency looking west near No. 27, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, McCarthy Grove, Montmorency looking east towards Reichelt Avenue, near no. 27, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Quinn Estate, McCarthy Grove ext. driveway, Montmorency, near no. 31, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Looking towards 99 Buena Vista Drive, Montmorency, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980houses, infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Roundabout at Reichelt Avenue and McCarthy Grove, Montmorency, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure focussed on the Quinn Estate in Montmorency taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980infrastructure, mccarthy grove, montmorency, reichelt avenue, roads, roundabout -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Mitchell Avenue near Panorama Heights Preschool, Montmorency, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure focussed on the Quinn Estate in Montmorency taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980infrastructure, mitchell avenue, montmorency, panorama heights preschool, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Mitchell Avenue looking towrads Montmorency South Primary School, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure focussed on the Quinn Estate in Montmorency taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980infrastructure, mitchell avenue, montmorency, montmorency south primary school, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Looking east along Buena Vista Drive, Montmorency near no. 69, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure focussed on the Quinn Estate in Montmorency taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980buena vista drive, horse, infrastructure, montmorency, roads -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide, Quinn Estate, Buena Vista Drive, Montmorency near school looking northwest, c.Oct. 1980
One of a series of images of roads and infrastructure focussed on the Quinn Estate in Montmorency taken by Eltham Shire Council Planning and Engineering officers. They provide perspective of the changes in housing styles and road development that began sweeping in from the mid 1970s with increasing urbanisation of what was once more outlying suburbs and regions.35 mm colour positive transparency Mount - Kodak Kodachrome CardProcessed Oct 1980housing estate, infrastructure, montmorency, quinn estate, roads