Historical information

John Hughes was Awarded the Military Medal:
"for conspicuous good work during operations at/ GIRD TRENCH, near LE SARS, on 14.11.1916./ This N.C.O. was in charge of a party of men engaged in digging a communication trench from/ our jumping off trench to the newly captured GIRD TRENCH. He displayed great courage and coolness under very heavy fire, and his personal efforts were mainly responsible for the completion of the task allotted to his party."//

Service number: 3044
Rank: Lance Sergeant
Unit: 2nd Pnr Bn
Service: Army
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Award: Military Medal
Date of London Gazette: 22 January 1917
Location in London Gazette: Page 836, position 34
Date of Commonwealth of Australia Gazette: 29 June 1917
Location in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette: Page 1395, position 37

Physical description

A framed embroidered cushion cover from WW1. Sent or brought home by Lt. Jack Hughes. Contained within the same frame is a paper clipping and a photo.

Inscriptions & markings

1.Cushion cover: from the top down- Egypt.... 1914/ Rising Sun/ scrolls with Australian Commonwealth/ Military Forces/ Aust Div Train/ Palestine Sinai Syria/1919.
2.Newpaper clipping with photo: John Hughes (left) 81, and Hugh Mont/gomery, 87, are the two oldest veterans who/ will be taking part in the Frankston ANZAC/ Day March on Tuesday. Mr Hughes served/ in France and Belgium in WW1 and/ in Darwin in the Second World War. He is a/ holder of the Military Medal./ Mr. Montgomery served with the 29th Bat/talion AIF in France during WW1/ Both men have been residents of the RSL park War Veterans Home for the past eight years.//
3. Photo: Mr. John Hughes.
