Tool - Bullet Mould, From 1600s to early 19th century

Historical information

Musket balls are the ammunition used in muskets the weapons used during the English and American Civil Wars. The balls could be made from any metal alloy, but many were made from lead. Lead can be melted at reasonably low temperatures and so lead musket balls could be made over a camp fire. Lead could be readily sourced from such places like church roofs or even coffins, and recast from old musket balls, so it was an easy material to work with while preparing for battle.
The soldier would carry a crucible in which to melt the lead, he would put the material into it and place it over the fire until it had formed into a liquid. Musket ball moulds like the subject item, had a small hole above one of the domes where the liquid could be poured into once the two domes were closed together. The soldier would wait until it cooled then opened the mould to reveal a solid lead ball inside.
Because these were cast in halves even though pressed together, there would always be a small amount of liquid lead leakage which would form a thin crust around the ball. These needed to be filed off before being used inside a musket, so some soldiers would pop a few in their mouths and roll them around, chewing off the excess until the ball was smooth. The obvious downside to this method is that lead is poisonous.


A tool used to make ammunition for black powder firearms either muskets or pistols from the early part of the 18th to mid 19th century. After this time enclosed brass cartridges that held the propellent powder and bullet were starting to come into wide spread use, negating the need for a firearm to first have black powder placed in a barrel then the ball rammed on top and finally the firearm primed with powder or a percussion cap.

Physical description

Musket rifle/ pistol bullet mold. Makes .50 -caliber- round balls with a sprew cutter to cut off excess lead.

Inscriptions & markings

Marked 50

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