Historical information

The autoharp is a portable, stringed musical instrument. It is a member of the zither family but differs from the traditional zither in that chords can be easily played. The buttons on the chord bars of the autoharp can be pressed onto the strings to make different sounds. The labels on the autoharp denote the chords and the notes that the strings play. The instrument is played with the box resting on a flat surface such as a tabletop, with the left hand moving the chord buttons and the right hand strumming the strings, usually with a pick or plectrum .

The autoharp was invented around the mid-1880s. There are models now available that have variations in the numbers of strings the instrument has, and differences in the sounds of the chords. Typically the autoharp has 36 strings.


This autoharp is an example of musical instruments played at social gatherings and concerts in the late 1800s and early to mid 1900s. It was easily carried by the player. It is usually held in the crook of the left arm with the narrow end resting on the should and the left hand supporting the wider end, the hand pressing on the chord buttons. The right hand strums in a similar way to a playing a guitar, usually holding a soft pick or plectrum.

Physical description

Autoharp, painted dark brown with red rose flower decals. The portable stringed musical instrument is a member of the zither family. The autoharp is shaped like a hollow box with one corner cut off. Strings of various lengths are attached with equal spacing, parallel to the long edge of the box. A slotted board rests over the top of the strings at one end, and buttons on the slots can be pressed onto the felt-padded bars below them to produce chords. There are labels on the upper and lower boards that denote chords and musical notes.