Historical information

William Henry Maw was a British civil engineer and astronomer. He was born in 1838 and died in 1924 at eighty-five years. Maw worked as an assistant at the workshops of the Eastern Counties Railway before he became a draughtsman in the design office. He designed the first outside cylinder locomotive for use in India. In 1865 he founded the journal Engineering and continued to be an editor for the rest of his life. Maw became a consulting engineer. He was president of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Civil Engineers.

This book contains a wide range of articles and reviews related to industrial developments such as rail mill engines at the Dowlais iron works (constructed by Messrs. Kitson and Co., engineers, Leeds), cable tramway, Clay-street, San Francisco, U.S.A., road and railway bridge over the river Dnieper, at Jekaterinoslow, Russia (constructed from the designs of Professor N. Belelubsky, St. Petersburg, by the Brjonsk iron works) etc.

Physical description

A book with blue large hard cover. Title and publication date are written on spine in gold. Illustrations (fig., plates, plans, diagrams) in B/W. Includes collection of the engineering weekly journal vol. xxxix-from January to June 1885. This book contains a wide range of articles and reviews related to industrial developments. Page no.712.