Echidna: Taxidermal Animal, To be established, Echidna - real and stylised: Taxidermal Animal - overseas visitors to CVA's head office clamour to be photographed with it, To be advised

Historical information


The name of the organisation is Australian Trust for Conservation of Nature (ATCV) from 1981 to 1999 and Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) from 2000 onwards.............................................Last used in 1999 the Echidna logo was used for 17 years. It was designed by John Zulic, then a young graphic designer at Sovereign Hill Outdoor Museum in Ballarat, and by 2010 the longest serving employee. John was briefed by Peter Hiscock, then director of Sovereign Hill and also President of ATCV, in 1982 to design ATCV’s first logo. Through the image of the echidna John Zulic tried to capture a unique Australian identity (a combination of uniqueness, strength, resilience, role in a balanced habitat and a national feel) for a fledgling local group with big plans. John presented concept to Tim Cox and Peter Hiscock – both were enthusiastic: the rest is history. For many years newly arriving volunteers were photographed with the mascot.


The echidna was synonymous with ATCV for many years. The logo appeared on team vehicles and buses and on all publications until 2000. For many years new volunteers had their photograph taken with "Eddy". Even today overseas visitors to CVA's head office clamour to be photographed with it.

Physical description

This item is a taxidermal (preserved and stuffed) echidna. The echidna is an Australian marsupial animal resembling the porcupine or hedgehog found in other continents. It is a nocturnal, burrowing, egg-laying mammal of the genera Tachyglossus and Zaglossus of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea, having a spiny coat, slender snout, and an extensible sticky tongue used for catching insects.

NOTE: The provenance of this item is not yet established but it has been the unofficial "mascot" of ATCV/CVA from soon after foundation till the present.

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