
Conservation Volunteers is Australia's leading environmental volunteering organisation. Our birthplace was Ballarat in 1982 as the 'Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers' or 'ATCV'. From 2000 to 2010, we were 'Conservation Volunteers Australia' or 'CVA' and now we are 'Conservation Volunteers'. Welcome to a selection of our 3, 000-item heritage archive, enough we hope for you to want to find out more about us. We are youthful in historical terms but these items remind us how far environmental conservation has come in only 30 years.

Conservation Volunteers has been committed to heritage conservation in practical terms for 30 years. We have fielded teams of volunteers to help with landscape and building maintenance at heritage-registered properties and museums. Our support for 'Victorian Collections' is an outgrowth of this work.

If you have have volunteered with ATCV, CVA or with Conservation Volunteers in Australia or New Zealand, or have worked for us or with us, or have another connection, please send us an e-mail (rsouthern@cva.org.au). We would love to include your memories, photographs, film or video, pre-loved T shirts, and other memorabilia in our collection.

Visit our website and consider making a donation to enable our work to continue in these challenging economic times.