Visiting US Conservation Corps Sleeve Patch collections, US Conservation Corps Sleeve Patch collections

Historical information

Initially named the Conservation Corps, the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) was founded in 1959 by the Council for Nature. Today BTCV is the “largest practical conservation charity in the United Kingdom”, and celebrated its fiftieth birthday in February 2009. Its original name had been adapted from that of the Civilian Conservation Corps launched by President Roosevelt in Depression-era USA:
- "I propose to create a Civilian Conservation Corps to be used in simple work, not interfering with normal employment, and confining itself to forestry, the prevention of soil erosion, flood control and similar projects. More important, however, than the material gains, will be the moral and spiritual value of such work.

Roosevelt’s idea had been revived by Governor Jerry Brown of California in 1976 and exchange of ideas and personnel between the California Conservation Corps (CCC) and other US conservation corps) has flourished since. Mark Dwyer (later to play an important role in Green Corps) was leader of the first California Conservation Corps three-month exchange program to Australia in 1988.

The first ATCV exchange group to California in 1987 National Director, Tim Cox and Team Leader, David Clark (group leader, in Australian military hat)

Right: Members of the first CCC exchange team to Australia at the US Embassy, Canberra in 1988: from left - Merrold, Vicci and Bobby with Mark Dwyer (centre) and David Clark (ATCV, right).

Exchanges have continued annually since 1988 and, in addition to environmental work done, many friendships have been made and maintained over the years.


This sleeve patch symbolises strong international links in place since ATCV/CVA was founded.

Physical description

This cloth sleeve patch is an example of those sewn onto the uniforms of staff and volunteers of the California Conservation Corps. It is round with an orange rim with black lettering naming ther organisation and inside the rime there is a light blue circle inset with the State flag of California. This sleeve patch is part of CVA's collection of 34 sleeve patches from many States of the USA.

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