Card - Christmas Card, 1915 (exact)

Historical information

Service of Frank Phillips
Prior to the commencement of World War I, Frank Phillips served in the Minyip Troop of the Light Horse militia. His civilian occupation was that of clerk.

On 22 August 1914 he enlisted in C Squadron 4th Light Horse Regiment.
The 4th Light Horse Regiment embarked on the troop ship “Wiltshire “ for training at Mena Camp, in Egypt.
During May 1915 the Regiment was deployed to the Gallipoli campaign in a dismounted role. After seven months, the Gallipoli campaigned was abandoned and the troops withdrawn.

On return to Egypt the 4th Light Horse Regiment divided with one component deployed to Palestine and the other to the Western Front.

Frank went on to serve in Palestine. He was promoted to Sergeant while at Gallipoli and, in Palestine, was promoted to Captain, serving as Adjutant of the Regiment.

He was granted furlough to return to Australia from 14 October 1916 to 12 March 1917.

On 16 January 1918 he was Mentioned in Despatches
At Hill 750 near Bir El Esani on 30-4-17 he led an attack on Hill 750 under heavy rifle fire capturing the position and 7 armed Bedouins. On 23-5-17 during reconnaissance, he led and attack on 790 under very heavy rifle and machine gun fire and captured the position, inflicting losses on the Turks. He has, at all times, set a fine example of courage to his men.

22 October: 1918 he was awarded the Military Cross
Recommendation of Commanding Officer – For exceptional gallantry and devotion to duty on the 28th September 1918, during the crossing of the JORDAN near EL MIN, this officer (adjutant of the Regiment) personally reconnoitred for crossings under heavy M.G. fire and led the Regiment to the only available crossing, rendering invaluable assistance during the crossing. On 3oth September when the Regiment was advanced guard on to KAUKAB, this officer’s personal reconnaissance to confirm patrol reports was of the highest order and utmost value to his C.O. culminating in the capture of KAUKAB with a mounted attack and the


The 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment has a long and distinguished history that pre-dates Federation to colonial Victoria’s mounted troops. Our history parallels that of the nation, including its active participation in some of the most inspiring events in Australian Military History including the Defence of ANZAC and the charge at Beersheba.

The Regiment is based on a linkage of the two post-World War II Victorian Army Reserve RAAC units - 4th/19th Prince of Wales’ Light Horse and 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles. From these units we derive our links with the six Light Horse Regiments of Victoria and Southern New South Wales (4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 19th and 20th Light Horse Regiments.)
The Regiment proudly bears the guidon of the 4th Light Horse, with the guidons of the remaining regiments being laid up in the crypt of the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance.

During World War I, the 4th Light Horse Regiment served with distinction on three fronts – Gallipoli, Palestine and the Western Front.
Corporal, later Captain, Phillips was a member of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment. He created the post card while serving with the Regiment as a Corporal at Gallipoli.

Physical description

Post Card hand made and sent to family

Inscriptions & markings

From Cpl Frank Phillips, 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment.
Entries in pencil
Addressed to Andrew Phillips (father) at Minyip, Victoria,
Message: “A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,
Made while on my day out. Love Frank”

Top Centre – 4 LH Badge
Centre – cloth map of Australia stapled to card
Bottom – Print of flag stapled to card, Irish green ensign, Union flag in canton, gold coloured Irish harp on fly.

Notations: Broadmeadows, Wiltshire (Troop Ship), Shrapnel Gully, Suicide Gully, Courtney’s Post Mena, Mex, Heliopolis, Imbros, Gallipoli, Turkish soil underneath
(flag), Australia on Turkey, Lone Pine, Leans Trench, Constantinople, All honour to our Irish comrades,
To greet you 1915-16. From the shells, yells, and little Hells, of the Darda Dardenelles 0 – 0 May you enjoy your Xmas dinner as I hope to enjoy my Xmas billy in the trenches.

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