Certificate, Instrument of Surrender, post 1945

Historical information

Copy of a very important document of an event on the 6th September 1945, that changed the course of the second World War.

Physical description

A copy of the Japanese Surrender Document, in a brown wooden frame, with ornate font in heading.

Inscriptions & markings

Instrument of Surrender / of /Japanese Forces in New Guinea, New Britain,/ New Ireland, Bougainville / and adjacent Islands./
I, the commander in Chief of the Japanese Imperial/ Southeastern Army, hereby surrender to the General Officer/ Commanding First Australian Army all Japanese Imperial Armed Forces/ under my command in accordance with the instrument of/ Surrender issued by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters and Government and// General Order No1 Military and Naval issued by the Japanese Imperial Headquarters./
I will henceforth and until otherwise/ directed by you or your successor carrry out the orders/ issued by you or your staff on your behalf to the best/ of my ability and I will take action to ensure that my/ subordinate commanders carry out the orders issued by/ your representatives./
(Japanese signature)
General, Imperial jap... (indecipherable)/
Japanese Characters /
Japanese Characters / Commander in Chief/
Japanese Imperial Southern Army/
Received on board H.M.S. Glory of Rabaul at/
1130 hours sixth day of September 1945./

Lieutenant General/
General Officer Commanding /
First Australia Army.
Caption on front of Document says
"Copy of Surrender Document/
Donated by Mr. Clive Morgan/
of Mildura (formerly of Red Cliffs)

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