Historical information

This tin dates from the era when smoking was an acceptable pastime, especially among men. It dates from the time before the prevalence of tailor-made cigarettes, when men would carry tins of their favourite flake tobacco and a supply of tobacco papers to "roll their own". This was less common prcatice among women, who, if they smoked, were more likely to smoke ready-made cigarettes.



Physical description

Oblong tin 8cm x 5.5 cm x 2.5 cm. Hinged lid, gold edge. Rusty, poor condition.

Inscriptions & markings

"Temple Bar" in white letters set in blue background across length of lid. "Sweet slice tobacco" in fancy cartouche below. Rust stained temple in blue on white background surrounded by red and gold semi-circles. Additional information: "Cool and sweet smoking with a Delicate Flavour. Manufactured by the British-Australasian Tobacco Co Pty Ltd Melbourne Australia."