Historical information

This photo depicts Shire President J.Dickie Esq.J.P.1911-12,and councilors J.Baird,(J.P),J.Feery (J.P),D.Walton,(J.P),J.Mitchell,(J.P.)M.Ryan,(J.P.).H.W.Symons (J.P.),J.Troup,T.Jones,(Secretary and Engineer)H.T.Hughes,(Rate Collector) and R.L.Medwell.It was presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by President J.Dickie.Esq.J.P.


Original Historic Photo or 1911-12.

Physical description

Photo depicting President J.Dickie and councilors.Set in light brown frame with decorative sculpture on inner edge, mount is a light pinkish tan and decorated with white/blue/brown decorative features.

Inscriptions & markings

Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council.J.Dickie Esq. J.P. President, 1911-12.