Mortlake Butter Factory Co. Ltd, Photograph

Historical information

This local factory was typical of small butter factories in the 1890's in Western Victoria. It was established in 1894 when farmers brought their milk to the factory on horse drawn drays and carts and waited for their cream to be separated. The skimmed milk was mostly used by farmers to feed calves and pigs and the separated cream was manufactured into butter, some of which was exported to England. By 1910 this butter factory had an electricity generating plant called Mortlake Electricity which supplied both the factory and the township with power and this took precedence over the butter production which continued until 1926 when it was sold to the Electricity Commission. By 1930 the Butter Factory had a yearly turnover of 24,000 pounds sterling and in1935 it was producing 6 tons of butter weekly. But in 1936 the factory was sold to Glenormiston Cheese & Butter Factory who ceased operations. The manager's residence still remains in 2011 as does the remnants of the small timber butter factory (charcoal lined) and the double brick cheese room but the bluestone chimney has long gone.


This complex is listed by Heritage Victoria

Physical description

Black and White Photograph

Inscriptions & markings


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