Physical description

Pewter drinking cup with ornate handle, R.A.A.F Badge with Queens Crown. Glass bottom. Tapered sides. Listing aircraft. From World War 1, World War 11,, Korea, Malaya and Vietnam to present day

Inscriptions & markings

Inc: Famous RAAF Aircraft
General Dynamics F111c deHaviand DH9A Tiger Moth Bristol Bulldog Short Sunderland Hawker Demon Douglas Boston Curtis Kitthawk Supermarine Spitfire DAP Bristol Beaufort Lockheed Hudson CAC Boomerang Fairey IIID Lockheed Hurculese Bell Iroquois GAFEE Canbera Consolidated Liberator Lockheed Neptune DHC Caribou GAF Lincon CAC NA Sabre DAP Bristol Beaufighter Avro Lancaster DHA Mosquito Boeing Vertol Chinook Westland Wapiti Lockheed Orion Avro Anson DHA Vampire Douglas Dakota CAC Wirraway
Diamond Jublee 1921 - 1981
Presented to the Waverley R.A.A.F. Members April 1981
