Semi Automatic Morse Key, Leo G Cohen, c 1944

Historical information

This Morse key (known as a BUG was used from 1944 until April 1946 by R.A.A.F Cpl. William Robert Moffatt 147459 Wireless telegraphist.
Used at 55 OBU Birdum and Gorrie Wireless telegraphy stations, and sent over 1.5 million weather forecast groups in 15 months. Then used at 57 OBU Alice Springs Airport until April 1946


"I bought thie unit in Melbourne in 1944 while training at Point Cook RAAF Signal school as a wireless telegraphist. With my posting to 55OBU (operational base unit) at Birdum and Gorric Wireless telegraphy Stations broadcasting weather forecasts in morse code for the south west Pacific area, it was used continually, sending over a million and a half weather forecast groups over 15 months. It ended it's career with Aeradio service at Alice Springs airport, (57 QBU), when I was discharged in April 1946."
William Robert Moffatt (ex RAAF 147459, Corporal, Wireless Telegraphist.

Physical description

Morse key mounted on metal block with 4 electrical terminals / adjusters

Inscriptions & markings

The SUPER AUTO No.4634 Manufactured by Leo G Cohen Melbourne


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