Historical information

Lillie Duncan was a member of the Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild, the women's auxiliary group of the Mission to Seafarers organisation. The LHLG was formed in 1902 and organised social events for visiting seafarers and were directly responsible for much of the fundraising for the construction of the facility at 717 Flinders Street. As a member of the Guild, Lillie was expected to entertain and support visiting seafarers, although within a strict set of rules. This letter, along with a number of others, was sent to Lillie from abroad.


This letter, along with a number of others sent to Lillie Duncan by visiting seafarers, underscore the social conventions of the time and the work of the Mission to Seafarers in provide comfort and support to visiting seafarers. The letters speak of the many events and activities undertaken at the Mission and provide a snapshot of the era.

Physical description

Letter addressed to Miss L. Duncan, 11 Paxton St, East Malvern, Melbourne, Australia from Alex (no return address on the back or in the letter). It is in two parts.
Part 0099.1 Envelope
Part 0099.2 Letter
Both the envelope and the letter are creamy yellow in colour with black curly writing on one side of the envelope and both sides of the letter. The letter begins with "Dearest Lily,I know you will forgive..." and concludes with "ever yours, Alex".

Inscriptions & markings

There is a round ink stamp on the top middle of the envelope with the text "Cristobal, Jul 28 1130 AM 1926 Canal Zone". There is also an ink stamp in seven wavy lines covering the small blue 5 cents stamp. This stamp has the text "United States Postage, Roosevelt" on it.