book, Truth & Sportsman Ltd, Souvenir commemorating the commencement of work by the Snowy mountains hydro-electric authority, 17/10/1949

Historical information

It is assumed that a member of the Ballarat School of Mines attended the commencement of work at the Snowy Mountains hydro-electric centre.

Physical description

Burgundy cover with gold printing. Black print, photos and diagrams on white paper (31 pages). Bound by 3 staples. The contents include the story of the Snowy.

Images include W.J. McKell, J.B. (Ben) Chifley, J. McGirr, Nelson Lemmon, Hume Weir, Jindabyne valley (now flooded), Jindabyne township (now flooded), illustration of water Power, survey team at Adaminaby, Snowy Mountains Relief Plan, Horseman crossing the Eucumbene River, Mildura, Burrinjuck Dam under construction, transmission lines, W. Hudson.

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