Historical information

The Erard Concert Grand Piano was moved into the University of Ballarat 1870 Founders' Hall in March 1996. The piano was originally brought to Australia in 1904 for a brief tour by pianist Paderewski. Known as the 'Prince of Pianists' Paderewski selected the piano for his tour in preference to all other makes. The piano was later sold, and had little use since the concert tour.

Before arriving at Mt Helen the piano was appraised by expert David Bloom who said it was in great condition for its age.

Physical description

.2) University of Ballarat Maintenance staff move the Errard Concert Grande into Founders' Hall.

From left to right, Ted Dalgleish, Bill Loader, David Collett and Kerry Daniell. In the front row are piano movers Graeme Brown and Kinsley Webb.

The writing under the photo gives an insight to the piano’s history and what the Uni intends to have it for.

Inscriptions & markings

The registered number of this piano is 87650.