Historical information

This girl's white cotton sun-hat has been made at home by a mother determined to get the maximum usage from the garment. The hat has been simply made with a plain crown for the child's day-to-day use. However, the mother has also made a second, very decorative crown, that can be buttoned on and is suitable to be worn on more "dressy" occassions - such as attending Sunday School or on special outings.


Early settlers and market gardeners established their families in Moorabbin Shire and this item shows the skill and craftsmanship of the women of these families

Physical description

Girl's home-made plain white cotton sun-hat with wide brim. There have been three rows of fine cord sewn at intervals around the circumference of the hat brim to stiffen it. There is also hand crochet decorating the edge of the hat brim.
A very decorative "second" hat crown has also been made. This hat crown has hand crocheted lace, and criss-cross seams, and is designed to be buttoned on over the original plain crown to provide a more decorative hat for special occasions, such as when attending Sunday School.