Historical information

Common soap was made from mixing animal fat with potash a form of the potassium based alkali present in plant and wood material. Early settlers, made their own soap from the waste fats and ashes they saved from their daily work. They did not then have to rely on waiting for soap to be shipped from England and waste their goods or money in trade for soap. In making soap the first ingredient required was a liquid solution of potash commonly called lye. Animal fat, when removed from the animals during butchering, must be rendered to remove all meat tissues and cooking residue before soap of any satisfactory quality can be made from it. To render, fats and waste cooking grease were placed in a large kettle with an equal amount of water. Then the kettle was placed over the open fire outdoors, because the smell from rendering the fats was too strong to wish in anyone's house. The mixture of fats and water were boiled until all the fats had melted. After a longer period of boiling to insure completion of melting the fats, the fire was stopped and into the kettle was placed another amount of water about equal to the first amount of water. The solution was allowed to cool down and left over night. By the next day the fats had solidified and floated to the top forming a layer of clean fat. All the impurities being not as light as the fat remained in water underneath the fat. In another large kettle or pot the fat was placed with an amount of lye solution ( known by experience ). This mixture was boiled until the soap was formed - 6-8 hours - a thick frothy mass, and a small amount placed on the tongue caused no noticeable "bite". The next day a brown jelly like slippery substance was in the kettle and this was 'soft soap' . To make hard soap, common salt was thrown in at the end of the boiling and a hard cake of soap formed in a layer at the top of the pot. But as salt was expensive most settlers used 'soft soap',. The soap could be scented with oils such as lavender for personal use.


These 3 cakes of home-made soap are examples of the self sufficiency of the early settlers as they had to be self reliant ,growing food and making and mending their own farm equipment, tools and clothes while establishing their market gardens in Moorabbin Shire

Physical description

3 cakes of home-made, white hard household soap.
1 cake of soap eaten by a brush tailed possum when he entered the Cottage via the chimney 27/4/2014