Photograph collection, Palestine Campaign, not known

Physical description

Set of 24, A3 prints of photographs relating to the Palestinian campaign of World War 1. In A3 museum quality presentation binder.

Inscriptions & markings

Photo captions:
Cover. The final drive Jerusalem to Damascus September 1918 (print not included).
1. "German Aviator's memorial "Jenin".
2. British and Indian cavalry watering horses at "Jenin".
3. German and Turkish prisoners captured at "Jenin"
4. Abandoned enemy transport at Nazareth Hill
5. "Nazareth". Cavalry in occupation
6. "After the charge. By 4th A.L.H. Bde at Semakh
7. "Semakh station" A scene of German treachery
8. 8th A.L.H. bivouaced near Galilee
9. Coming Storm "Sea of Galilee"
10. A picnic on the shore of Galilee
11. Ruins of Capernaum
12. Bedouin children. "Capernaum".
13 Jisr Benat Yakub (Bridge of Jacob's Daughter) upper Jordan
14 Examining prisoners "Benat Yakub"
15 Moving up, Motor Lorries with material for repairing Bridge "Benat Jacob".
16 Kuneitra
17. Aus Div staff with Headmen of "Kuneitra".
18 Hedjaz forces entering "Damascus"
19 Light Horsemen entering "Damascus".
20 L.A.M.B. entering Damascus
21 Inhabitants inspecting Motor cyclists "Damascus".
22 Portion of "Damascus" square Day of occupation
23 Prisoners herded in Damascus square
24 The morning after "Barada Gorge Damascus"

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