Historical information

This early tobacco tin was manufactured in England and imported to the "colony" Australia at the beginning of the 1900s. This manufacturer had won the Gold Medal at the Liverpool International Exhibition in 1884. This tobacco would have therefore been very expensive to purchase making it a must for the wealthier client of the Kiewa Valley. The Golden Flake Cavendish smells of the man of wealth and position. In this era the type of dress and the brand of tobacco smoked showed everyone at first glance where the man using it was on the social ladder and his pecking order. With the demise of tobacco smoking in the early 2000s clothes themselves do not show the pecking order in that quickly visualised manner, as at the time of manufacture of this tobacco tin. In the 21st century the level that men are in the socio economic field is realized on "the social information" available on the internet.


This tobacco tin relays a long ago era, when personal contact, and not something that has been written down by some "unknown", was valued as the true appraisal of a member of the community. This was especially relevant in a small regional area such as the Kiewa Valley. Although social networking was not as fast then as the internet provides now, appearances, manners, fashion and etiquette with first impressions high on the order of evaluating someone in the community. Pointer such as the brand of tobacco smoked was part of the rural assessment method. Up until the demise of the Australian Tobacco Industry, circa 2004, the Kiewa Valley and surrounding district was part of a vibrant producer of tobacco leaves. The remnants of this industry still remain today but the drying sheds (for tobacco leaves) are now used to store hay for the valley's dairy and beef cattle industries.

Physical description

A dark metal tobacco tin covered in a bright metallic gold fleck pattern with a black frame on the lid around a drawing of a woodsman with a musket and axe sitting on a stump overlooking a valley that reads "Pioneer Brand", next to a company seal incorporating a wreath, eagle and shield. The front side reads "Richmond Cavendish Co./ Limited/ Liverpool." and the right and left side "Golden Flake Cavendish". The bottom has the same woodsman feature as the lid. The back side is an elongated diagram featuring tobacco leaves and plant summit. Inside lid surface has a half torn coloured (red, black and green) sketch on paper of the woodsman scene depicted on the top lid.

Inscriptions & markings

The following inscriptions are displayed on the top and inside lid and on the bottom tobacco tin: "PIONEER BRAND" and to the left of the scene the "SEAL OF THE COMPANY TRADE MARK" Both side of the ens have the following words in large thick print "GOLDEN FLAKE CAVENDISH" and each is contained withih a black boarder.