Historical information

The listing of books in the Ballarat School of Mines library begins with No 1 and ends at No 1465. This book is identical to Library Catalogue No 00007, but isonly numbered to No. 921. Redmond Barry, Robert Broigh Smyth, Ferdinandy Von Mueller, the Victorian Geolofical Survey and many local illuminaries donated to the Ballarat School of Mines.

Physical description

Black cloth covered exercise book with handwritten lists of books in the Ballarat School of Mines Library dating from 1870 to 1896. The pages have been divided into columns with the following headings: Reg. No; Title; Author; Vol.; Issue; Donor, Receipt.

Some of the books are as follows:
1. Memoirs of Geological Survey of Great Britain, Vol 1., 1846, Donated by Her Majesty's Government, 16/03/1870
19. Prospectus of the School of Mines, 1869, Donated by Her Majesty's Government, 16/03/1870
44. The Steam Engine, Rankine, purchased, 09/03/1871
72. Melbourne University Calendar, 1859-1860, donated by Sir Redmond Barry, 14/04/1871
85. Maps of County of Anglesey, donated by Minister of Mines, 23/05/1871
107. Electric Telegraph, R. Sabine, purchased, June 1874
356. Organic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances, Dr. G.C. Willstein, donated by Ferdinand Von Mueller
375. The native Plants of Victoria Succinctly Defined, Baron Von Mueller, purchased, 1879
569. Platur's Manual of Qual and Quan Analysis with the blowpipe, donated by Henry Sutton, May 1884
738. German Bible, donated by R. J. Litton, 21.05.1886
802. Essays of Addison, J.R. Green, 18/06/1887, donated by Bella Guerin
803. Rec De Planches Dur Les sciences Les Arts Liberaux et les Arts Mechaniques, Vol VI, 1875, Donated by Theo William, 01/07/1887

Excel spreadsheet attached (incomplete)