Historical information

This product was introduced in an era where the "silky smooth" look was in vogue. From the 1920s on, American and British film stars set the tone of how clean cut (hero type) masculine look attracts the opposite sex faster and in greater quantities than the "unkempt" or natural maintained look. This look was bold and "polished" and had the intended projection that the hair matched the character of "I look after myself and have a high opinion of physical appearances". As fashion goes this slick and well maintained look has circled many times, in and out of history and in Australia in the 1950s this was a prime example. The liberation of the stereo type of both sexes occurred in the 1960s when the freedom loving "hippie culture" had a marked affect upon the city inhabitants but not so strong among rural males. Sexism was still rife in that time frame.


This jar of Brylcreem was a part of the (masculine) rural scene for a longer period than that found in the larger towns and cities. The long held "men are men" and "women are women" distinction between the sexes lingered on more in rural areas because of the perceived physical differences, mainly "strength" and perceived tasks such as "men only" activities (heavy farm/mining/construction). The jar of Brylcreem maintained the respectable male look for those special occasions when males "dressed" up and looked clean physically and well behaved (to show respect to the women folk)

Physical description

This glass jar with a glued on,red background, label detailing the product Brylcreem (a men's) hairdressing ointment is empty of its original product. It has been contoured on each side to allow for a man's fingers to comfortably and firmly grip the jar. This form would allow even "greased up" hands to maintain control. The glass thickness is far greater than needed and also added the extra stability to the standing jar. The shape of the jar is a latent attempt to emulate the physique of a fit young man (small waist, expanded and muscled mid rift and large shoulders). The jar does not distract from viewing its contents (clear glass). It has a black gloss screw (on/off) lid made from mild grade steel. The jar holds approximately 200 grams of a thick molasses textured product.

Inscriptions & markings

On the front red Label; in large white letters "BRYLCREEM" underneath this is in smaller silver print "THE PERFECT HAIRDRESSING" underneath this is a banner type motif with a crown at the top and a black letter "B"in the centre. Below this and in much smaller print are printed in black script "BEECHAM (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LTD. MELBOURNE VICTORIA M A I