Historical information

This photograph is a "snap shot" in time circa 1950s detailing the rural environmental change and the progressive effects of the Kiewa Valley Hydro Scheme on the basic rural setting of the valley (note the sparsity of rural infrastructure). This photograph shows the beginning of the accommodation and administration buildings for use by the construction workers and auxiliary administration employees of the Victorian State Electricity Commission. It also provides a view of the landscape before extensive development of Pondage and other non rural buildings.


This photograph details a dramatic period in time which saw an enormous change to the exclusively rural area of the Kiewa Valley region in the mid 1900s (see sparse rural buildings/houses). This change presented both physical and mental challenges to the existing quiet rural inhabitants of the valley. The State of Victoria had to make adjustments to the changing demands imposed by population and industrial expansions. The development of cleaner energy supplies to a growing population has its downside ,which ever way the intrusion into the "natural" landscape is made. The construction of the large Pondage at the centre of the photograph is a good example.

Physical description

This black and white photograph of a panoramic view of the Kiewa Valley (Mount Beauty SEC construction workers village) shows the newly completed transmission line towers delivering electrical power(66KVA) from the Clover Power Station. The photo is on 200gms paper and not on special photographic paper.