Framed Photo of William Clarke, William Clarke

Historical information

The photo shows "William Clarke" who owned and operated the first commercial Punt across the Ovens River during the goldrush days


the photograph shows "William Clarke" who was one of the first pioneers of the township of Wangaratta as it is now known. He also built one of the first hotels in Wangaratta.

Physical description

Brown wooden framed photograph, greyish background with silver surround around photo of William Clarke, one of Wangaratta's foundation pioneers. The wood is from the first punt. He was the owner of the first punt to cross the Ovens river, which he had built for 500 pounds. It was sunk in 1855 after the first bridge across the Ovens river was built.

Inscriptions & markings

William Clarke1 1839 Wangaratta
William Clarke 11
William Clarke 111(my father)
Nell Clarke 1884-1965

William Clarke 1
Pioneer of Wangaratta Vic. 1839
This frame is made of oak from the punt he operated over the Ovens River during the goldrush days to Beechworth

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