Historical information

This scoop was professionally made and well before plastics and aluminium scoops were manufactured. It was in a period when mass production and cheap imports where not common. This item would have been produced well after World War II and before the cheap Asian imports. It was a period in time(the last years) when items such as this scoop were made to last and consumerism was not at the "throw away" mass consumption time of the late 1900's.


The rural sector in the Kiewa Valley used this type of "made to last" domestic implement when home made cakes and pastries were commonly made in the household kitchen. Because of the relatively isolation of the valley, bulk supplies of flour, sugar and other cooking ingredients were the required quantity for both domestic household and farm use. Local general stores also had these scoops to provide clients with their required flour, sugar and other bulk loose grains (processed or unprocessed)

Physical description

This lite galvanised rolled steel flour/sugar scoop has a tapered handle extruding from a small cone shaped base. It has a half circle scoop extending from a full circular base which has a small containment ridge which acts as a collection rim. The collection scoop has its front shovel end tapered and rolled edge (outwards) presenting a barrier and air relief when thrust into the flour/sugar. All the edges are rolled and connection links have been soldered. The handle is not of solid steel which accounts for the light weight. The base of the "shovel" is slightly concave to allow gravitational forces to keep the flour centre of mass. The handle has a ridge pressed in the sheet metal at about two thirds up the shaft All metal to metal joins have been pressed and soldered together.