Historical information

This card was most probably sent from Harry Holmes to a family member in Ascot, Victoria during his overseas service during World War One.

Physical description

Black and white postcard with a photographic impression of London including Trafalagar Square. The postcard has writing on the back. This card was purchased by an Australian soldier, probably Henry Smerdon Holmes, during World War One and sent to his sister, Mary Coghill Holmes

Inscriptions & markings

Dear Mary
Received your welcome letter a few weeks back, pleased indeed to hear from you & to know that you were OK. Sorry I have been so long in answering it, but I suppose it is better late then never. Still in the same old job at present, but all 'A' class chaps are to go back to the units 20 per weeks, so it may not be very long before I will be having a move on, Girls seem to be taking the vacant gaps.