Historical information

This glass ginger beer bottle was manufactured and used early to late 1900's, until the time that cheaper containers were invented(plastic bottles). This bottle was so constructed to be easily moved within the ginger beer processing plants from the brewing vats/holding tanks to the final corking/sealing of the bottles for eventual distribution. From 1990s the bottle slowly became phased out of production however boutique suppliers still preferred thick glass to contain any explosive action. Two major glass bottle works companies, e.g. Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Co. were the main suppliers for the Victorian State.


In the period when this bottle was manufactured and used the major ginger beer brewing plants for the whole of Victoria were located in Melbourne because this was where its greatest consumer base was there and most rural areas were supplied by domestic sources (mother brewing ginger beer for the children). The Kiewa Valley and its region was one rural area which until road invrastructure was enhance covered the ginger beer thirst by local family production. As the population expanded considerably in the late 1940's (SECV Hydro Scheme) with a greater demand for "soft" drinks" being established supplies from larger towns and cities were call for. Each bottle was "branded" during manufacturing to show the contents were from a reputable supplier (H Taylor) and where it originated from. These bottles were recyled by the manufacturer as a way to cut production costs. This method of recycling the bottles back to the specific manufacturer has (except for South Australia)been overtaken by a no cost recycling collection by councils (funded by their communities). This method by passes the user cost principle as the bottles are processed as non generic. The uneconomical "on cost" which was replaced by the "throw away" less costly plastic containers however did not provide the keen domestic brewer of the "beer" with a reusable bottle.

Physical description

This heavy gauged glass ginger beer bottle has a rim and a distinctive head at the top. This head has been manufactured to facilitate the movement of the bottled along the filling production line. The method of pouring ginger beer into the bottle has been part of the "production line". This bottle has a one and a half pint capacity and is made from "light green" coloured glass(a protection against light penetration). This thick glass bottle, to contain ginger beer, required its thickness because of the extensive handling (man and machine) before final consumption. During this period delivery to homes in cities and towns was made initially by horse and cart and later by truck. Ginger beer was a "soft drink" of great demand.

Inscriptions & markings

On the middle portion of this bottle is a large elongated circle within it and following the spherical line is "H. TAYLOR" ans a star separates this from "MELBOURNE" rounding out the bottom curviture. Within these words are the large initials "T H" . The "T" superimposed onto the "H". On the base and covering the whole bottom is the letter "T". At the opposite side to the manufacturers logo is "THIS BOTTLE CANNOT BE SOLD OR USED BY ANY OTHER PERSON & IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT STOPPER"