Historical information

This teacher's aid publication targets the creative and imaginative areas of primary school children's development. It is in a time period at the beginning of television(home intrusion) broadcasts and concentrates on the mental and physical tasks that produce tangible(physical) outcomes. The book concentrates on furthering the students abstract regions of their imagination. This was in a period where physical not electronic flexibility were the target of development. The increase in visual communications both at home and outside the home through social media means has intruded into the fundamentals that is presented in this teacher's aid publication.


This publication is significant to both the Alpine and the Kiewa Valley regions because it demonstrates the Victorian State's Educational objectives of this period in time (1960's - 70's). The primary school's educational objectives were to enhance the development of school children's abstract mental abilities. These abilities prompted the mental processes to "think outside of the square" and is one of the major factors behind the development of "new inventions". This ability has produced many "Australian" inventions that have had worldwide applications.

Physical description

This book has a hard cover with photographs of "school" children constructing various "simple" items.

Inscriptions & markings

Inside cover has a sticker "HALL'S BOOK STORE" and underneath in smaller print "New, Used and Rare Books" underneath this "371 Bourke Street, Melbourne' underneath "262 Chapel Street, Prahran". On the fly leaf is stamped "STATE SCHOOL 4590 BOGONG Vic" and written below "1769" 680 DIM"