Programme, Ballarat Teachers' College, Ballarat Teachers' College Grand Concert, 1947, 1947

Historical information

Ellwood was the Principal of the Ballarat Teachers' College.

Ballarat Teachers’ College was opened on 04 May 1926, at S.S. 33 Dana Street, with an enrolment of 61 students. Its original staff consisted of the Principal, Mr W.H. Ellwood, M.A., M.Ed. (Chairman of the Teachers’ Tribunal from its inception in 1946 until 1954), Miss A. Bouchier, B.A., and Mr A.B. Jones, BA., (lecturers). In 1927 Miss P.A. Hamano joined the staff.

In 1927 the college moved to the old Ballarat East Town Hall (remodelled for their use) in Barkly Street. During 1927 the numbers in the College were augmented by 26 Manual Arts students, who had formerly received their training at Ballarat High School. Manual Art students continued till 1930 when, on grounds of economy, their training was concentrated at Melbourne Teachers’ College.

During the four succeeding years, approximately 60 students annually entered the primary course. Inclusive of Manual Arts students, and private fee-paying students, exactly 400 trainees passed through the College in its brief span of life (1926-1931). Five per cent of each year’s students were granted an extension of their studentship to enable them to proceed to Melbourne Teachers’ College, and to take the first year’s course for a University degree. With the advent of the economic depression of the ‘thirties, Ballarat Teachers' College closed its doors in December, 1931.

Fourteen years were to pass before the College opened again on February 2nd, 1946. The college re-commenced at SS Dana Street, under the guidance of Mr W.F. Lord, M.C., M.M., B.A., Dip. Ed., (acting, later Principal 1946-1950) and a staff consisting of Miss E.B. Hughes, B.A., Dip. Ed., Mr C.B. Bryan, B.A., B. Com., Dip. Ed., Miss Monica H. Miller, L.Mus.A., and Miss G. Kentish, Dip. Phys. Ed. The opening ceremony was performed by the Minister of Education at that time, the Hon. F. Field, M.L.A., accompanied by the Hon. T.T. Hollway, M.L.A., and the then Director of Education, Mr J.A. Seitz.

It was originally intended to cater for women students only but, at the last moment, men resident in Ballarat were also accepted. A co-educational college was thus set up instead, and it has continued as such.

1951 saw the introduction of the two-year course, successful students being presented with the Trained Primary Teacher’s Certificate at the final College Assembly each year.

In December 1955, College held its first Graduation Ceremony, with its own Graduation Hymn, the words of which were written by Miss C.M. (Mavis) Canty of the staff.

Lord remained as principal until 1951 when he transferred to establish a teachers' college at Toorak. Tom William Turner was Lord's successor. A highlight of his term was the construction of new college buildings at Gillies Street with the students commencing their lessons there in February 1958.

Turner retired in 1970, having overseen a period of substantial growth in the institution. In that year alone more than one hundred and forty students completed their primary teaching qualification to meet a severe shortage of teachers. Doug Watson commenced as principal in 1971.

In 1973 Ballarat Teachers' College became the State College of Victoria at Ballarat. Three years later Ballarat College of Advanced Education was formed and the teacher education students moved to the Mount Helen Campus.

In 1990 Ballarat College of Advanced Education became Ballarat University College, an affiliated college with the University of Melbourne. The University of Ballarat was formed in January 1994.

Physical description

Yellow folded card programme for the Ballarat Teachers' College Grand Concert held at Alfred Hall Ballarat on Thursday 28 August 1947. Student Teachers from the 1947 class performed, including Jessie Batson, Ruth Tozer, Joy Love, N. Kerr, Arthur Lelean, D. Cooper, John Collins, Ann McKinnnon, Peg Purdue, Lindsay Harley.

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