Historical information

Before drills and braces, T-shaped augers were used to poke holes into wood, while smaller gimlets were used to start them. Auger handles were usually made of a piece of hardwood that was sanded, rounded, or even contoured to give the user a firm grip. Bits on spoon augers essentially carved a hole in the piece of wood, and had to be periodically removed to clear the chips. Spiral-bit augers were precursors to modern drills, whose bits cleared the hole of chips as the user drilled. A significant advance on the auger was the brace, which was originally designed with a single, permanently fixed bit at its end. Eventually, though, braces were designed with sophisticated chucks to accommodate replacement bits, as well as bits of different sizes and for various purposes. Chucks were patented as vigorously as the braces themselves The braces themselves also evolved for particular trades, from furniture makers to surgeons.
The operator holds the ‘head’ in one hand, positions the drill in the wood , applies pressure and rotates the ‘centre piece’ to cause the drill to pierce the wood.

Physical description

A steel revolving hand tool for boring and screw-driving with wood handles