Historical information

This item has historical value as it shows part of the importance of fashionable money containers specific to a more affluent rural family. The period when sheep properties producing high grade wool were providing Australia with the high yield capital return to sustain an ever growing population. This was an era where most of the manufactured goods were imported from England and the European continent.


This has relevant significant value as it portrays the earlier reliance that the growing Australian population had from the rural sector. The wealth capital was from the rural sector and the elaborate fashion accessories, such as this money purse, shows how that wealth was utilised. The Kiewa Valley was part of the "rich" farm regions of Victoria and besides gold mines and tobacco plantations, dairy and cattle properties provided for not only the needs of the Victorian region but also the rest of Australia.

Physical description

This gold plated filigree money purse has a clasp on top for fastening purposes and has on either side inside a small extension frame which would have contained a felt/silk padding buffer. The buffer would have highlighted the intricate pattern of the filigree metalwork.