Historical information

Inspected by Joanna Freslov, archaeologist 2.6.2008. -unusual axe head.
Ground-edge tools are made from fracture-resistant stone, such as basalt. This axe would able to withstand repeated impact. The stone would have been dug or found and then roughly shaped into a tool blank with blows from a hammerstone. The edges were then sharpened and refined by grinding the tool against a coarse, gritty rock. Ground-edge tools could be held in the hand, or fashioned to be fixed onto a haft or handle.


The necessary tools and equipment for hunting, fishing and warfare were one of the very few items that Aboriginals carried with them from place to place. Most were used for a multiplicity of purposes. Because many were made from raw natural materials, such as wood, generally only partial remains are found today. This stone axe head is an example of a ground-edge tool used by the early Indigenous people in Eastern Australia.

Physical description

A handmade stone Aboriginal axe head.