Photograph, Joseph Jordan Photographic Studio, Miss Christina Giles, before May 1899

Historical information

This photograph is of Christina Giles, who died in Wangoom, Warrnambool, in 1899 at 7 years, 5 months and 4 days old and is one of many 19th century items of furniture, linen and crockery donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by, Vera and Aurelin Giles. The items are associated with Warrnambool and the Giles Family history. Items donated by the family have come to be known as the “Giles Collection”.

Many items in the Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage were donated by Vera and Aurelin Giles and mostly came from the home of Vera’s parents-in-law, Henry Giles and his wife Mary Jane (nee Freckleton) who married in 1880 and whose photos are on display in the parlour.
Henry was born at Tower Hill in 1858, and was a labourer on the construction of the Warrnambool Breakwater before leaving in 1895 for around seven years to build bridges in NSW.

Mary Jane was born in 1860 at Cooramook and she attended Mailor’s Flat State School and where she eventually was to become a student teacher. After which she became a governess at “Injemiara” where her grandfather, Francis Freckleton, had once owned land.
Henry and Mary’s family consisted of six, some of the children were born at Mailor’s Flat and later some children at Wangoom. They lived with their parents at Wangoom and Purnim west, and this is where Henry died in 1933 and Mary Jane in 1940.

Jordan, Warrnambool refers to Joseph Jordan who operated a photographic studio in Warrnambool from the late 1880s. His work was prevelent in Victoria's Western District of Victoria.


This photograph of Christina Giles is of social significance at a local level, because it not only illustrates the level of material support the Warrnambool community gave to Flagstaff Hill during it’s establishment. But the Giles collection also gives us today a snapshot into what domestic life was like in early colonial times prior to Federation and the high mortality rates amongst children during the early years of colonial settlement.
The photograph is also significant for is association with renowned Western District photographer, Joseph Jordan.

Physical description

Photograph of Christina Giles standing on chair in a decorative carved wood frame with floral design in abstract shape. Photo by Jordan of Warrnambool. Christina Giles died in Warrnambool in 1899 at 7 years, 5 months, 4 days of age. It is part of the Giles Family Collection.

Inscriptions & markings

"Jordan Warrnambool" ( Photographers)

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