Book, Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English Literature:Volume 1, 1876

Historical information

This book was awarded as the "Howard" prize to Robert A. Mitchell for Arithmetic in 1879. Robert Mitchell, (D.O.B 9/2/1862), entered the College on 9th July, 1878. Robert is the son of Robert Mitchell who resided at Teragram Cottage, St. Arnaud. Enclosed in the pages of the book was a small purple cardboard invitation which reads: "Ballarat College. Annual Distribution of Prizes. Academy of Music, Tuesday, December 16, at four o'clock p.m. The Reverend WM. Henderson in the chair." This invitation has subsequently been filed in the 1879 file.

Physical description

Bound in half calf with pebble grained cloth boards, marbled edges, gilt lettering and decoration on the spine. Six raised bands on spine with gold lettering on second and fourth compartments; College crest embossed on front cover; black and white illustrated, 816 p.

Inscriptions & markings

Book plate inside front cover:College crest / Arithmetic/the "Howard" prize/Sixth form/Awarded to/Robert A. Mitchell/Christmas, 1879.

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