Historical information

This award was presented to the Russian Welfare Society on 10 December 2003


This Award is recognition of the service the Society has provided to the Victorian community.

Physical description

This award is a compilation of a certificate (Item no. 00006A) and a medal (Item no. 00006B). The award has a gold coloured decorative frame with a navy blue background. The medal is bronze with a small descriptive plaque beneath it. It is mounted on a blue velvet background.

Inscriptions & markings

Certificate (00006A): "Victoria's Аward for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs - Award for Meritorious Service in the Community awarded to St John of Kronstadt Russian Welfare Society Inc"
It is signed by the Hon. Steve Bracks MP, Premier of Victoria and George Lekakis, Chairman of the Victorian Multicultural Commission.
Medal: "Government of Victoria Award for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs - Meritorious Service Award"
Plaque: "Awarded to St John of Kronstadt Russian Welfare Society December 10, 2003"