Historical information

It appears that the earliest form of child's high chair is attributed to Jonathan Jacobs (1845-1919) a cabinet maker of Browningsville, Pennsylvania USA around the mid to late 19th century. However, children’s chairs from the 18th century and earlier were being used and are in many museum collections around the world that show woodworkers were adapting chair designs for younger users in Europe and America at this time.


An early children's wooden high chair probably made in America around 1890-1900. Many American manufactures made this type of wooden high chair called an “Eastlake” style and many did not mark their work so it is difficult to determine the subject items exact provenance. A significant item giving a snapshot into the evolution of children's furniture and domestic life during the late Victorian era.

Physical description

Convertible pressed back Victorian era high chair with convertible frame, cast iron wheels,

Inscriptions & markings

Carved picture of a child to back of seat