Historical information

This document is a reproduction of the page of the log book from the vessel HMS Euryalus, recording Nelson's famous signal at the Battle of Trafalgar.

On October 21, 1805, Admiral Lord Nelson led the British Navy to victory against the French and Spanish navies in the Atlantic Ocean. The event became known as the Battle of Trafalgar. To commence the battle Nelson commanded his now-famous flag signal
“England expects that every man will do his duty”.

Nelson’s signal was transmitted from his ship HMS Victory in 12 separate flag-hoists, according to Sir Home Popham’s Telegraphic Code that had been supplied to the fleet as an experiment, with the numerical flags of the Admiralty official Day Signal book (1799 issue). The signal flags comprised eight that represented whole words and four that represented single letters -

Nelson’s signal was received by the ‘reporting frigates’ who would then send them on to the other vessels. The signal was recorded by Captain Henry Blackwood who was in command of the HMS Euryalus. Captain Blackwood led a squadron of frigates, reporting back to Nelson on the movement of the French and Spanish fleets. Nelson’s famous signal was recorded in the log book of Euryalus and repeated to other vessels.

The original log book is a canvas-backed manuscript written up from hour to hour during the battle. It is in the Nelson Collection at Lloyd's.

Lloyd’s of London is a large insurance company in the United Kingdom. In 1803 Lloyd’s founded the Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund to honour the brave and provide for the wounded and dependents of those killed in major Napoleonic battles.

Over the years Lloyd’s has accumulated an assorted collection of artefacts and memorabilia associated with Nelson, including this log book from HMS Euryalus. In 2003 Lloyds created a temporary exhibition to mark the bicentennial of Nelson’s Battle of Trafalgar. The display included key items from the Nelson Collection celebrating Nelson’s role in British Naval History.

Lloyd’s now has a department called The Nelson Collection and Heritage Floor where historical artifacts are displayed and the story of Lloyd’s 300 years of history is told.


This document, being a reproduction, is not significant in itself.
However it's content is of historical significance for its connection to Admiral Nelson and The Battle of Trafalgar. Through the leadership and victory of Nelson, the British obtained the mastery of the seas over the French and Spanish and opened up the way for Britain to colonise many countries including Australia.
The document is also associated with a wood sample from Napoleon's ship Victory that is in our Collection.

Physical description

Reproduction of a page of the log book of HMS Euryalus recording Nelson's famous signal at the Battle of Trafalgar. The original log book entry was handwritten, dated 21 Oct 1805.