Historical information

The box is cleverly designed to give quick access to the parts inside, having a lift-up lid and a pull-down front. The components within appear to be a portable radio, power supply or power converter with batteries and a charger. The attached leather strap makes the equipment easily portable.


The portable power supply is significant for representing part of the evolutionary change in communications. The unit connects the use of power and radio for communication with the ability to save the power in power packs or batteries, or to convert the power from one form to another.

Physical description

Power supply, portable, electric; circuits can be Parallel or Series. Batteries (6) fitted into a square wooden box. Box has two catches to secure the lid and two catches to secure the drop-down front. Holes have been drilled around the edges of the lid and the top of the base. Inside the front panel are two copper coils, switches and connectors. Leather carry strap attached. Stamped into the vertical panel are "parallel", "P", "H", "SERIES", CAVERTY", "LIGHT" :WEAK", "CHARGING"

Inscriptions & markings

Stamped into the vertical panel are "parallel", "P", "H", "SERIES", CAVERTY", "LIGHT" :WEAK", "CHARGING"