Historical information

This compass was used to determine directions using a free-moving magnetised needle, indicating north and south.

W Hartmann was a compass maker located in Hamburg Germany some of his compasses are marked “Gehna” and “Nautica”. There is no information available regards W Hartmann, his successor in the business was “Georg Hechelmann” a marine instrument maker of which Gehna is an acronym of his name. In 1874 he patented an improved version of “Lord Kelvin Thomson’s” compass design of a paper rose with magnets hung on silk threads. It appears he worked in his shop from around 1878 until probably 1905. The company he founded "Gehna" is today a substantial international marine corporation and is still based in Hamburg.


A rare example of an early binnacle and compass probably used on a sailing vessel. It is a significant item not only for it’s rarity but also because it demonstrates the progress of marine navigational instrument development in the late 19th century. The item was made by an early pioneer and innovator of marine navigation and instrument making.

Physical description

Compass and Housing; the brass housing, with side light box, insides a fluid dampening gimble compass. The maker is W Hermann/Georg Hechelmann, of Hamburg, Germany. The inscription ioncludes the number of the compass.

Inscriptions & markings

Made by W Hartmann/Georg Hechelmann of Hamburg, No 7208