Photograph - Commemorative, The Members of the Warrnambool Garrison Militia Band, circa 1889

Historical information

This historic photograph collage displays the members of the Warrnambool Garrison Military Band at the time of the Great Exhibition in Melbourne. It commemorates the visit of the band's members to that exhibition in 1888-1889.

Major W.S. Helpman was the commander of the Warrnambool Militia Garrison Artilery at that time.


This photograph is significant historically for its record of the members of the Warrnambool Militia Garrison Band of 1888-1889.
The photograph connects the band members to the citizens of Warrnambool and their protection by the Militia.
It is also significant for the connection of the band with the various local military and community events.
The site of the 1888 Warrnambool Garrison and Fortifications at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village is Victorian State Heritage-listed is significant for its intact and operational nature and is one of the best-preserved pieces of Victoria's early colonial heritage.

Physical description

Black and white photograph collage of the members of the Warrnambool Garrison Military Band. The photograph shows 29 individual portraits of the band members in uniform with their instruments.
The photograph was presented to Major Helpmen in commemoration of the visit of the Band to the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition of 1888-89.

Inscriptions & markings

Printed " Presented / Major Helpman / The members of the Warrnambool Garrison / Military Band / In Commemoration of their visit to the / Melbourne Centennial Exhibition 1888-89"

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