Historical information

The word Planisphere (Latin planisphaerium) was originally used in the second century by Claudius Ptolemy to describe the representation of a spherical Earth by a map drawn in the plane. This usage continued into the Renaissance: for example Gerardus Mercator described his 1569 world map as a Planisphere. The word describes the representation of the star-filled celestial sphere on the plane. The first star chart to have the name "Planisphere" was made in 1624 by Jacob Bartsch. Bartsch was the son-in-law of Johannes Kepler, discoverer of Kepler's laws of planetary motion.


A significant item of celestial mapping used by marine navigators This particular item was made and used in the first quarter to half of the 20th century

Physical description

Planisphere of northern hemisphere, with canvas bag. Planisphere consists of a circular star chart attached at its centre to an opaque circular overlay that has a clear elliptical window or hole so that only a portion of the sky map will be visible in the window or hole area at any given time. The chart and overlay are mounted so that they are free to rotate about a common pivot point at their centres. The star chart contains the brightest stars, constellations and (possibly) deep-sky objects visible from a particular latitude on Earth. The night sky that one sees from the Earth depends on whether the observer is in the northern or southern hemispheres and the latitude. A Planisphere window is designed for a particular latitude and will be accurate enough for a certain band either side of that. Planisphere makers will usually offer them in a number of versions for different latitudes. Planispheres only show the stars visible from the observer's latitude; stars below the horizon are not included.
A complete twenty-four-hour time cycle is marked on the rim of the overlay. A full twelve months of calendar dates are marked on the rim of the starchart. The window is marked to show the direction of the eastern and western horizons. The disc and overlay are adjusted so that the observer's local time of day on the overlay corresponds to that day's date on the star chart disc. The portion of the star chart visible in the window then represents (with a distortion because it is a flat surface representing a spherical volume) the distribution of stars in the sky at that moment for the Planispheres designed location. Users hold the Planisphere above their head with the eastern and western horizons correctly aligned to match the chart to actual star positions.

Inscriptions & markings

"Made in Germany for GEORGE PHILIP & SONS Ltd. Geographical and Educational Depot, 32 Fleet Street, London" Canvas bag has "Capt. H (Howard) Tyler from Captain H. F. Woolf" "Tyler 22 ? St East Brighton" also "13 Halls St Flinders"