Historical information

This vintage-era clock case has a curved top and two doors, one at the side, and the other at the top. It could have had another frame for the front with a window or fitted space for the clock mechanism. The doors may have given access for winding the clock with a key and to set the time or perhaps an alarm or chime. It is possible that the arched shape was the bottom of the clock case and not the top, in which case, there would be more space for a pendulum to swing. The wooden case would amplify the sound of the tick of the clock.


The wooden clock case is connected to domestic life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when households could afford at least one clock for their furnishings.

Physical description

Wooden clock case with open front and arched top, which may be the bottom of the case. It has a hinged door on the side and another door on the top with a small brass knob. This case is ready to be fitted with a clock mechanism.