Historical information

These Carbocine tablets are used for Travel Sickness. The packaging includes the following text -

"This tube contains twelve Carbocine tablets, each containing
2.0000 grs Carbromal, 0.0046 gr Hyoscine Hydrobromide, 1.0000gr Caffeine.
CAUTION: It is dangerous to exceed the stated dose.
ADULTS: Take one or two tablets one hour before commencement of travel; then one tablet every four hours if necessary.
CHILDREN OVER SEVEN YEARS: one half adult dose, not more thant two tablets should be taken during 24 hours
CHILDREN UNDER SEVEN YEARS: As directed by a physician.


This vial is an example of chemicals used fo prevent or control travel sickness in the 20th century. It is also an example of pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging.

Physical description

Plastic vial, leaflet and cardboard package. Vial once contained Carbocine pills for prevention of all forms of travel sickness. Made by Kingsgrove Laboratories Pty Ltd Sydney.

Inscriptions & markings