Historical information

This tuyere (word from French origin) was used by professional blacksmiths and or cattlemen before and during the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme was being constructed. The need to use a furnace or forge in the shaping of metal rods, horse shoes and pipes is both a rural necessity and a construction, on site requirement. The "inventiveness" of cattlemen and construction workers to produce metal objects not available "off the shelf" is one of the inherent traits not only of rural self sufficiency but in the "pioneer" days of rural isolation one of survival.


This tuyere is of great significance to the Kiewa Valley and its regions because it highlights one of the greatest strengths of the rural (especially isolated) life and its folk living there, and that is the great human factor of adaptability and survival techniques in sometimes harsh and demanding environmental circumstances. The inventiveness and the attitude, "she'll be right mate", demonstrates life on the land where specialised blacksmith activities can be found in non "professionals" because of the fact that "someone" has to do the job. This is one of the differences between country "rural" life and that found in cities and larger towns.

Physical description

This iron cone shaped tuyere has a small hole (diamenter 25mm) starting within an ever enlarging cone (amplification of the air pressure going through) delivering varying hot or extremely hot air into a furnace or hearth which intensifies the heat to allow the "shaping" of metal objects. The larger "flared" cone extension allows for the directed air to be spread and not concentrated.