Historical information
This book was awarded to May Adelaide Anstis in 1897 for first prize in Arithmetic. May entered Clarendon Ladies' College in 1891. On the original register father's name is listed as William and the residence as Neil St, Ballarat.
Presbyterian educators placed great value on a classical education matched with diligence in study. Book prizes were highly regarded and academic success admired. In the school’s early years prizes were ordered direct from London and had the school crest embossed in gold on the front or back cover. Many of the prizes given in early years were returned to the school to equip the Weatherly Library when it opened in 1936.
Physical description
Bound in soft red calf with gilt lettering on front cover and spine. Red gilt edges and floral end papers. 576 p.
Inscriptions & markings
Book plate inside front cover: Clarendon Ladies' College/ BALLARAT./ First Prize./ Composition-Class II/ Awarded to/ May Adelaide Anstis/ MRS. KENNEDY,/ PRINCIPAL./ DECEMBER 1897
"Clarendon Presbyterian ladies' college" stamped on title page adn fly leaf. Book plate on fly leaf: Clarendon Presyterian/ Ladies' College/ Ballarat/ College crest/ Presented by:/ Miss Kimberly/ Date: 30/11/61