Historical information

This cast iron "boiler" was produced by one of the largest foundries in England during the late 1700's and onwards. These products were "shipped to the far realms of the "British Empire". This source was one of the only ones available to the early settlers in Australia until the mid 1900's. The catch cry of those "early " times was "the best of British" which was ingrained into the early (Australian) settler's iron and cast iron purchasing mind set. It was not until after World War II did that mindset change, when both American and Asian based manufacturers' products were accepted by the Australian consumer. The city based consumer embraced the swing a lot earlier than the more "traditional" rural consumer.


This cast iron 8 gallon "boiler" is very significant to the Kiewa Valley not only that large
"boilers" were used to "boil" clothes clean, over an open flame source, but also because it demonstrates one of the most important "rural" mores founded by the "early" settlers in this region. That more was the very "close" tie to "Mother England" and the "establishment". The social and "family" values from the "English" way of life was ingrained until well past the day of the "Australian Federation". It was not until the friendly "American soldier" invasion during World War II that the "Empire" bondage was being eroded away. The transition from the good "rural war cry" of "Australia prospers off the sheep's back" was slipping away and the industrial monolith started its challenge. This change was the slowest in semi remote rural centres such as the Kiewa Valley. The "old English" values lingered on until the mid 1900's.

Physical description

This large (8 gallons) cast iron boiler is oval in shape and has a cast iron (swivel) carrying handle. The handle has a "bend" in the centre position to allow hook and straight type rods to facilitate the positioning of a "hot" boiler. This boiler would have been used over an open fire or placed on top of "coals". On the top rim and evenly spaced between the fixed handle joins is a slightly semi curved balancing/control lip.

Inscriptions & markings

At the bottom (underneath) "CLARK & Co. PATENT", Below this a six star triangle with the letter "C" in the
middle.. On the opposite end "BEST QUALITY" and underneath "8 Gall s"